President Galmés and Councillor Amate have signed the agreement with representatives of the local entities beneficiaries of the subsidies.
For the first time, the Consell de Mallorca has granted direct aid for various investment actions and improvements to infrastructures and services of use to the island’s mancomunidades or the municipalities that comprise them.
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The Consell de Mallorca grants for the first time aid for the improvement of infrastructures and services of the mancomunidades of the island
Among the different interventions that will be financed with these subsidies are the acquisition of vehicles for the use related to the local entity, furniture, machinery necessary for the operation of the mancomunidad, computer applications or real estate, among others.
The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, and the councillor for Economic Promotion and Local Development, Pilar Amate, presided over the signing of the agreement between the island institution and the mancomunidades of the island regarding the granting of these subsidies.
The event was attended by the presidents of the four associations of municipalities benefiting from the subsidies: the president of the Pla de Mallorca Association, Joana Maria Pascual; the president of the Raiguer Association, Joan Rotger; the president of the Migjorn Association, Rafel Adrover; and the president of the Serra de Tramuntana Association, Bernat Isern.
After signing the agreement, President Galmés explained that ‘the aim of this line of subsidies for associations of municipalities is to assist municipalities and, to achieve this, the Consell de Mallorca is giving them this financial support so that they can respond to the many needs they have to provide a better service’.
Llorenç Galmés announced that another call for municipalities will be published in 2026, ‘thus fulfilling our commitment to always be at the side of the municipalities’.
For her part, the councillor for Economic Promotion and Local Development, Pilar Amate, said that these subsidies ‘are essential’ for Mallorca’s local territorial entities ‘to have a greater capacity to act and to be able to continue offering global solutions to all the municipalities that make them up’.
Actions that are subsidised in each Mancomunitat
The distribution of the subsidies granted according to the established criteria and the detail of the actions to be carried out by each of the mancomunidades, is as follows:
The Mancomunitat des Migjorn has been awarded a grant of 27,171 euros, which will go towards the purchase of a submersible electric pump with 100 hp reserve capacity, a chlorine dosing device and the purchase of a trailer for a car, among other actions.
For its part, the Mancomunitat Serra de Tramuntana will have an allocation of 23,798 euros, which will be used to purchase material to control excessive noise on the roads of the Serra de Tramuntana, computer and mobile phone equipment, and office equipment.
The Mancomunidad Pla de Mallorca will receive 52,794 euros for the purchase of a rural plot of land in Sineu for the construction of a drinking water regulating tank in Pla de Mallorca.
Lastly, the Mancomunidad des Raiguer will receive 90,764 euros for the purchase of a van for road maintenance, the purchase of furniture for the change of headquarters and the installation of an audiovisual system in the meeting room of the association’s collegiate bodies, among other actions.
Distribution of aid
The amounts for these grants have been determined by the population data of the municipalities that make up the associations of municipalities. This call for subsidies for the years 2024 and 2025 has been endowed with 235,000 euros.
Each commonwealth has been allowed to submit a maximum of five actions to be carried out between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2025.