Educació opens the deadline for the second period of in-company training placements for VET teachers

Jan 10, 2025 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The deadline for submitting applications and documentation is 31 January 2025.

The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats has opened the deadline for submitting applications and the corresponding documentation to participate in the second period of training placements in companies for vocational training teachers.

This call for applications is aimed at secondary school teachers and technical vocational training teachers who teach vocational training courses in public centres dependent on the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities or state-subsidised training courses in state-subsidised private centres.

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Educació opens the deadline for the second period of in-company training placements for VET teachers

The training placements are a key tool for the continuous training of vocational training teachers, as they contribute to strengthening their professional skills through experiences in real working environments. In addition, these placements encourage the creation of synergies between companies, educational centres and teachers.

The period for these placements, which can be carried out in any company or entity in the Balearic Islands, Spain or the European Union, will begin on 2 March and end on 31 July 2025. The professional activity of the company must be related to the professional profile and the modules taught by the teacher concerned.

Applications must be submitted using the online procedure available at the CAIB’s Electronic Headquarters, attaching the necessary documentation. In addition, a copy of the application must be sent to the e-mail address

The deadline for submitting applications and documentation is 31 January 2025.