Educació sends guidelines to all schools in the Balearic Islands on the use of mobile phones in schools

Educació sends guidelines to all schools in the Balearic Islands on the use of mobile phones in schools

The Ministry of Education and Universities will send guidelines to all schools in the Balearic Islands on the guidelines to be implemented, from the start of the 2024/2025 school year, in schools regarding the regulation of the use of mobile phones and other...
The Consell de Mallorca pays tribute to Antònia Vaquer, runner-up of the world amateur trotting championship

The Consell de Mallorca pays tribute to Antònia Vaquer, runner-up of the world amateur trotting championship

The president Galmés presented a commemorative plaque to the Mallorcan rider at the reception held at the Hippodrome of Son Pardo. The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, accompanied by the second vice-president and councillor for the Environment,...
The Conselleria d’Educació I Universitats will give more days to the interim teachers affected by computer problems when allocating vacancies to join the centres

The Conselleria d’Educació I Universitats will give more days to the interim teachers affected by computer problems when allocating vacancies to join the centres

Despite the delay, the allocation of 2,609 vacancies in the Balearic Islands has been completed this evening The Regional Ministry of Education apologises to the schools and teachers affected The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats has allocated 2,609 vacant...
The plenary session of the Consell Insular de Menorca approves the request to the State to declare Alaior and Es Mercadal as an area seriously affected by a Civil Protection emergency

The plenary session of the Consell Insular de Menorca approves the request to the State to declare Alaior and Es Mercadal as an area seriously affected by a Civil Protection emergency

The plenary session of the Consell Insular de Menorca approves the request to the State to declare Alaior and Es Mercadal as an area seriously affected by a Civil Protection emergency It has been unanimously decided in an extraordinary session held this Friday....