Tomorrow is the deadline to apply for the vacant places in the vocational training cycles for the 2024-2025 academic year

Tomorrow is the deadline to apply for the vacant places in the vocational training cycles for the 2024-2025 academic year

\ 3,168 vacancies are available in all the islands for basic, intermediate and higher-level vocational training courses. \ The deadline to apply for any of these places is from 29th August to 4th September, both included. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us...
Students at the Universitat de les Illes Balears have until 20 September to apply for free tuition fees

Students at the Universitat de les Illes Balears have until 20 September to apply for free tuition fees

The measure is aimed at students with good marks and low-income students. For students of Higher Artistic Education, the deadline to apply for exemption from tuition fees is 27th September. Students of the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) have until September...
The Consell de Mallorca cedes the management and maintenance of eleven traffic lights installed on stretches of island roads to the Palma Town Hall

The Consell de Mallorca cedes the management and maintenance of eleven traffic lights installed on stretches of island roads to the Palma Town Hall

Today, the councillor of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, and the deputy mayor of Mobility of Cort, Toni Deudero, signed the agreement for the transfer of traffic regulation installations. Today, Thursday, the Consell de Mallorca and Palma City...
Prohens announces more than 18 million euros earmarked for the difficult and very difficult-to-fill post allowance for civil servant teachers

Prohens announces more than 18 million euros earmarked for the difficult and very difficult-to-fill post allowance for civil servant teachers

A total of 3,712 positions will receive these new allowances. The bases have also been established for the singular component of hardship, dangerousness and toxicity, which will amount to 220,000 euros per academic year. The President of the Government of the Balearic...
The call for applications for the first year of zero quota aid for self-employed entrepreneurs closes with 1,151 applications and a budget of 1,104,960 €

The call for applications for the first year of zero quota aid for self-employed entrepreneurs closes with 1,151 applications and a budget of 1,104,960 €

The maximum amount allocated is €960 per person and finances the payment of the first 12 Social Security contributions. The deadline for applications has not been exceeded thanks to the success of the call for applications. The call for applications for the first year...
The diabetes therapeutic education nurses’ office at Manacor Hospital has attended 925 face-to-face consultations in the first half of 2024

The diabetes therapeutic education nurses’ office at Manacor Hospital has attended 925 face-to-face consultations in the first half of 2024

The group workshops, which are on the increase, are being promoted and more than two hundred patients have already participated. The diabetes therapeutic education nursing practice (EDT) carries out an educational task with patients diagnosed with type I and II...