The Regional Ministry of Health reinforces the prevention of heat stroke with the campaign ‘Viu l’estiu amb SENY’

The Regional Ministry of Health reinforces the prevention of heat stroke with the campaign ‘Viu l’estiu amb SENY’

Meteorology forecasts the first heatwave of this summer for the next few days. On days with high temperatures, only do sport early or late in the day. Given the AEMET forecast of high temperatures in the coming days, which could lead to the first heat wave of this...
Son Llàtzer University Hospital promotes a music therapy programme for patients at the Psychiatric Day Hospital

Son Llàtzer University Hospital promotes a music therapy programme for patients at the Psychiatric Day Hospital

The programme aims to promote social skills, foster group confidence, reduce anxiety and improve mood. Son Llàtzer University Hospital has launched a music therapy programme for users of the Psychiatric Day Hospital. This project has counted on the collaboration of...
The Consell de Mallorca increases by 50% the amount destined to the Federación Balear de Bandas de Música y Asociaciones Musicales (Balearic Federation of Music Bands and Musical Associations)

The Consell de Mallorca increases by 50% the amount destined to the Federación Balear de Bandas de Música y Asociaciones Musicales (Balearic Federation of Music Bands and Musical Associations)

The island institution has earmarked 120,000 euros to promote all the activities aimed at disseminating and conserving the musical heritage organised by this entity. The Consell de Mallorca has earmarked 120,000 euros for the Federación Balear de Bandas de Música y...