The purchase of phytosanitary products to combat pests that threaten plant health has been approved

The purchase of phytosanitary products to combat pests that threaten plant health has been approved

Twelve shock campaigns will be carried out in the archipelago during 2025, with a total of 2.35 million euros earmarked for this purpose. The main objective is to offer solutions to the phytosanitary problems of the most important crops in the Balearic Islands. The...
The registration period for the free exams to obtain the compulsory secondary school leaving certificate opens on Monday

The registration period for the free exams to obtain the compulsory secondary school leaving certificate opens on Monday

\ Registration must be formalised between the 3rd and 17th March 2025, both included. \ The written tests will be held on 29 April 2025 in Palma, Maó and Eivissa. The Conselleria de Educació i Universitats, through the Direcció General de Formació Professional i...
More than 300 people take part in the healthy routes organised in Palma for Balearic Islands Day

More than 300 people take part in the healthy routes organised in Palma for Balearic Islands Day

Users from sixteen health centres, three of them in the Part Forana region, have made the route The Director General of Public Health took part in the walk from Sa Feixina to the meeting point in Dalt Murada. More than 300 users from sixteen health centres, three of...
Closing of the mixed training and work projects promoted by Inca Town Council, within the framework of the SOIB 30 Training and Employment programme

Closing of the mixed training and work projects promoted by Inca Town Council, within the framework of the SOIB 30 Training and Employment programme

Inca Town Council and the Training Centre have held a closing ceremony to mark the end of the mixed projects in the administrative and electricity sectors that have been carried out over the last few months, within the framework of the SOIB 30 Training and Employment...