Undercover private detectives continue to act in several operations that have so far resulted in 5 pirate taxi drivers being reported

Undercover private detectives continue to act in several operations that have so far resulted in 5 pirate taxi drivers being reported

Image Undercover private detectives continue to act in several operations that have so far resulted in 5 pirate taxi drivers being reported. One of them was arrested for gender violence and for using a stolen vehicle as a pirate taxi. The service of private detectives...

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Anegats bids farewell to the stage in a multitudinous concert organised by the Consell de Mallorca in Palma

Anegats bids farewell to the stage in a multitudinous concert organised by the Consell de Mallorca in Palma

Llorenç Galmés: ‘Today we are not only celebrating the musical career of Anegats, but also the legacy left by one of the island's best-loved bands’. Anegats bids farewell to the stage in a mass concert organised by the Consell de Mallorca in Palma. The emblematic...

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Water reserves in the Balearic Islands increase to 46% during September

Water reserves in the Balearic Islands increase to 46% during September

The Artà Demand Unit goes on alert, activating the measures of the Special Action Plan for Situations of Alert and Possible Drought. Water reserves in the Balearic Islands have increased to 46% during September, an increase of 3 percentage points over the previous...

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The Health Service will audit the contracts signed with the company Eurofins Megalab, SA for an amount of 1.1 million euros

The Health Service will audit the contracts signed with the company Eurofins Megalab, SA for an amount of 1.1 million euros

Both emergency contracts were awarded in 2021 for PCR tests. The Health Service will audit the two emergency contracts signed with the company Eurofins Megalab, SA for an amount of 1.1 million euros. Both contracts were awarded in 2021 for the performance of PCR tests...

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The Consell de Mallorca participates in the Congress of the German Travel Association DRV in Berlin

The Consell de Mallorca participates in the Congress of the German Travel Association DRV in Berlin

Susanna Sciacovelli highlighted Mallorca's efforts to become a responsible tourist destination by promoting the coexistence between residents and tourists. The island's Director of Tourism for Demand and Hospitality, Susanna Sciacovelli, took part in the 3rd Capital...

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The Government closed the 1st Forum on the Circular Economy and Waste Management, which addressed the regulatory and technical challenges in this area

The Government closed the 1st Forum on the Circular Economy and Waste Management, which addressed the regulatory and technical challenges in this area

It has been a space for analysis that seeks to promote collaboration between administrations, waste managers and experts. The aim is to move towards meeting European objectives in terms of sustainability and the circular economy. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us...

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Memòria de l’arròs a les trinxeres, by Jose Larrosa, is the winner of the Art Jove prize for plastic arts 2024

Memòria de l’arròs a les trinxeres, by Jose Larrosa, is the winner of the Art Jove prize for plastic arts 2024

The jury announced it this Friday at the Art i Copes competition in Sa Pobla. The work, along with the other six finalists, was based on the concept of the empty land. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram...

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The government declared emergency for the care of people of Spanish origin evacuated from Lebanon

The government declared emergency for the care of people of Spanish origin evacuated from Lebanon

The Secretary of State for Migration allocates 1.5 million euros for the provision of essential reception and care services. The Secretary of State for Migration, through the Directorate General for Spanish Citizenship Abroad and Return Policies, will allocate one and...

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President Galmés calls on the UN to comply with international resolutions for an end to the conflict in Western Sahara

President Galmés calls on the UN to comply with international resolutions for an end to the conflict in Western Sahara

The president of the Consell de Mallorca and the councillor of the Presidency, Antoni Fuster, spoke before the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, where they defended the cause of the Saharawi people and the holding of a referendum.The president...

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Our writters

Copia de r 2024 10 08T174944.845

Inca will improve the city’s street furniture to mitigate the heatwave effect

Inca City Council is promoting a project to plant and replace new trees in different public spaces in the city to mitigate the heatwave effect. Thus, the corresponding tenders have already been launched and it is expected that at the beginning of next year work will begin in the different areas and, progressively, work will be carried out in the affected streets. At the same time, an information session was also held to explain the details of the project and all the initiatives that will be carried out over the next few months to the citizens of the town.

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Inca will improve the city’s street furniture to mitigate the heatwave effect

‘The tree planting plays a fundamental role in the environmental quality of the city. That is why we have promoted this project to make a decisive contribution to improving the management and use of urban green infrastructure. The regulation of the temperature or the capture of pollutants are some of the positive effects of the trees that directly affect people’s health’, explains the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

Thus, the general objectives of this project are to improve green infrastructures and link them to the natural context, to increase resilience in the face of climate change and to guarantee the quality and accessibility of public spaces. Likewise, these actions will also help to lower the city’s temperature, reduce solar radiation during the hottest months, increase CO2 capture and oxygen production, reduce pollution (O3, CO, NO2, PM2.5, PM10, SO2), increase carbon capture, reduce pollution (O3, CO, NO2, PM2.5, PM10, SO2), increase carbon sequestration, reduce pollution and increase infiltration.

The specific areas of action of this project are Carrer Marjades, Carrer Josep Barberí, Carrer Joan Miro, Carrer Sor Clara Andreu, Carrer Joan d’Àustria, Avinguda Jaume I and Avinguda Jaume II. The work being carried out as part of this project includes increasing the tree cover on the streets, removing trees in poor condition or that interfere with services, buildings or installations, increasing the permeable area of the scarcely accessible area and improving pedestrian walkways to improve accessibility, among other things.

This project is co-financed by the Conselleria d’Empresa, Ocupació i Energia within the framework of the public call for subsidies to local entities for actions to adapt to climate change in urban and peri-urban areas. The subsidised amount is 300,000 euros.

11r 2

Ramón Planes Socies

ESCAC student in Terrassa will teach us how to tell stories from any of the disciplines taught at ESCAC: directing, art direction, documentary, screenwriting, editing, production, sound design or visual effects production.

David Arreza Subires

A lover of culture and a new addition to TDB, he will be in charge of taking us through the shows and events that will be travelling around the island this summer. Logistics is his other passion, so distances will not be an obstacle for him to move around and tell us first-hand his impressions, which we at TDB will make our own.

Rehabilitacion edificios publicos PIREP 1

307 million euros in European aid awarded to 381 local authorities to renovate public buildings

The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma) has provisionally awarded these ‘Pirep local’ grants, which will directly benefit some 16 million citizens.

The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma) has provisionally granted 307 million euros of European recovery funds to 381 local authorities in all provinces for the rehabilitation of public buildings owned by them.

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The Mitma’s electronic headquarters has published this provisional resolution of the call in competitive concurrence of Line 1 of the Programme to Promote the Rehabilitation of Public Buildings (Pirep local) included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR).

In total, Mitma has selected 405 actions out of the 1,065 presented by the potential beneficiaries of the programme: municipalities, provincial councils, councils and island councils. At this point, it is worth remembering that municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants and provincial capitals could submit two applications, so there are 24 municipalities that have obtained funding for two rehabilitation projects.

Even so, the municipalities with less than 50,000 inhabitants are of particular relevance in the provisional resolution, with 321 projects awarded, which are entitled to aid of some 186 million euros, with an average subsidy per application of 579,531 euros. Of these 321 projects, 172 are in municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants, the so-called demographic challenge municipalities.

After the publication of the list, the selected local entities will have a period of 10 days to expressly accept the grants, before the final resolution is published.

Copia de r 49

The Regional Ministry of Education implements the intermediate level of VET in Boat Maintenance at CIFP Can Marines from September

This new cycle responds to the demands of the need to incorporate studies linked to the nautical sector.

Students will do their paid internships at the facilities of members of the Association of Industries and Nautical Services of Ibiza and Formentera

The Department of Education and Universities incorporates the middle grade of Vocational Training in Maintenance of Recreational Boats in the intensive dual mode in the Integrated Vocational Training Centre (CIFP) Can Marines of Santa Eulària des Riu, on the island of Ibiza, which will begin to be taught next September. Fifteen places will be offered for this degree.

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The intermediate level of VET in Boat Maintenance at CIFP Can Marines from September

The Regional Minister of Education and Universities, Antoni Vera, accompanied by the Director General of Vocational Training and Educational Planning, Maria Isabel Salas; the territorial director of Education in Ibiza and Formentera, Juan Álvarez, the president of the Association of Nautical Industries and Services of Ibiza and Formentera, Ramon van der Hooft, and the director of CIFP Can Marines, Pep Marí Tur, today presented the new studies, which will be taught for the first time in Ibiza and which will respond to the needs and demands of the nautical sector of the Pitiusas.

Students enrolled in the new intermediate degree will do their internships at the facilities of members of the Association of Nautical Industries and Services of Ibiza and Formentera. The studies will be taught in dual intensive regime, which means that students will have an employment contract and remuneration during their training.

The incorporation of these studies responds to the claims of companies in the sector, which warn of the lack of skilled labour. Professionals with this profile are in great demand in Ibiza, and in response to this need, the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities has decided to incorporate this educational offer, which has a high labour market insertion rate.

These studies are already offered in Mallorca and Menorca, and now they are also being incorporated into the CIFP Can Marines, where the intermediate degree in Navigation and Coastal Fishing Technician and the advanced degree in Maritime Transport and Deep-sea Fishing are already being offered.

Gian Paolo Monasterio

An expert in recruitment for the hospitality industry in England, he has been providing accommodation and work contracts in London since 2000. Italian by birth, from his agency in London, he allows us to access the English labour market with the maximum guarantees at a time when Brexit is making this documentation and accommodation management in England even more essential. Every week he will bring us closer to the reality of the English labour market and we will learn about the best job offers and accommodation in English homes or families.

Copia de r 28

The Consell de Mallorca meets with car hire companies to study solutions to the saturation of roads

The Minister of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, today received representatives of AEVAB and BALEVAL to gather their contributions to the study of the road network load that the island institution is preparing.

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The Consell de Mallorca meets with car hire companies

The Minister of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, met today with representatives of the two car hire associations of the Balearic Islands to study measures agreed with the sector to study solutions to the saturation of Mallorca’s roads. Rubio was accompanied by the island directors of Mobility, Rafael Oliver, and Infrastructures, Rafel Gelabert. The delegation from the Agrupación Empresarial de Alquiler de Vehículos con y sin Conductor de Baleares (AEVAB) was headed by its president Ramon Reus. For its part, the Balearic Association of Car Rental with and without Driver (BALEVAL) was represented by its board of directors, chaired by Othman Ktiri.

Fernando Rubio explained that the Department of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures is working intensively to draw up a study of the load on the island’s roads, a document that until now has never been carried out in Mallorca to find out with official and contrasted data what the causes of the traffic jams on Mallorca’s road network are. Rubio reiterated that the study will also propose solutions, both with infrastructures and possible regulations, and that the Consell is ‘willing to take courageous measures’ to improve the mobility of Mallorcans, as the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, has stated on several occasions.

The car hire companies have shown their willingness to collaborate with the Consell in the search for effective solutions to alleviate the saturation of the island’s roads.

Today’s meetings with AEVAB and BALEBAL are the second that the Department of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures will hold with representatives of the sectors involved and civil society. The aim is to hear their opinions first-hand and reach a consensus on possible solutions to the saturation suffered by Mallorca.

Carla Beltran

Carla Beltrán Campomar

Carla is a student of the Second Baccalaureate at IES Binissalem. Since she was a child, she has shown great admiration for the media. So much so that in the future, she would like to become a reporter. Despite her little experience in the world of journalism due to her young age, her passion for exhibiting her personal work to the public has led her to participate in numerous dance competitions, plays, concerts and the occasional appearance on the provincial television of the Balearic Islands (IB3) and on the municipal television of Palos de la Frontera, Huelva (TCD).

Copia de r 2024 05 28T170108.654 1

The number of people who have quit smoking in the last year after attending a group intervention at a health centre has doubled

Primary Care of Mallorca has prepared a campaign to disseminate on social networks on the occasion of the XXV Smoke-free Week

Primary Care of Mallorca has managed to double the number of people who quit smoking in 2023, compared to 2022, after participating in a smoking cessation group in health centres throughout Mallorca. These are group interventions to quit smoking (with the accompaniment and advice of health professionals) that are offered in the health centres of Mallorca to all those people who are considering quitting smoking. Thus, in 2022, a total of 91 smokers managed to give up the habit at the end of the group therapy. This figure rose to 184 people in 2023.

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The number of people who have quit smoking in the last year

Precisely in 2023, 38 smoking cessation treatment groups were set up in 24 health centres in Mallorca. These groups brought together a total of 667 patients, of whom 184 have managed to quit smoking.

This week is the 25th No Smoking Week, which culminates on Friday with World No Tobacco Day (31 May). This initiative, which is part of the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SEMFYC), is organised this year with the slogan ‘Zero emissions in your lungs too’.

Primary Care of Mallorca participates in this Smoke-Free Week with its commitment to promote health with a campaign that will be disseminated on social networks with the aim of raising awareness and motivating all those people who can not quit smoking or who have tried several times. These are testimonies of people who show that it is not the time or the number of attempts that matter, but the intention and commitment to oneself to give up smoking as many times as necessary until it is finally achieved.

The prevention and fight against smoking has been one of the commitments of the Primary Care Management of Mallorca for decades. In this sense, among other initiatives, numerous group and individual interventions have been carried out to stop smoking and informative community prevention activities to raise awareness among the population about the importance of a smoke-free life. Primary Care in Mallorca also has referents in each health centre who advise and provide the necessary tools to tackle smoking.

Copia de r 26

The Consell de Mallorca organises an exhibition dedicated to Sorolla: for the first time, the 12 works he produced on the island will be shown together

The exhibition will be on display at the Museum of Mallorca from 3 June to 8 September.

The Consell de Mallorca is organising an exhibition dedicated to Joaquín Sorolla. The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, has announced that “for the first time, the 12 works that the artist produced on the island will be shown together in the same room”.

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The Consell de Mallorca organises an exhibition dedicated to Sorolla

The exhibition will be inaugurated on 3 June at 7 p.m. at the Museum of Mallorca and will be open until 8 September. During these months, stressed the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, “it will be possible to enjoy the essence of Sorolla: his textures, brushstrokes and experimentation with colours and light that he carried out in places like Palma, the coast of Valldemossa and Pollença”.

The Sorolla Museum has contributed 10 works that the artist produced on the island: seven paintings of Cala Sant Vicenç, a portrait of a pagan woman and two of Mallorcan houses. In addition, Es Baluard and a private collection in Madrid have left two more works by Sorolla that complete his journey around Mallorca.

This is the last stop of the project “Sorolla. Travelling to paint”, which is being carried out to commemorate the centenary of the death of Joaquín Sorolla Bastida (1863-1923), an event declared an Event of Exceptional Public Interest for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024. The aim is to take Sorolla’s works to the main places where they were executed: they have already been to San Sebastián, Toledo, Galicia, Valladolid and Seville, and the last stop is Mallorca.

Sorolla was in the Balearic Islands in the summer of 1919. This trip was of particular importance for the painter’s career, as the paintings made on this trip were Sorolla’s last view of the Mediterranean, as the following June he suffered the cardiovascular accident that kept him away from painting until the end of his life three years later. “This exhibition, therefore, represents the perfect closure to the project,” said Galmés.

Copia de r 2024 10 09T213216.994

The Consell de Mallorca asks the Ministry of Culture to temporarily cede the Castle of Alaró for its urgent conservation

This is the second request sent by the island institution since last April: if no response is received, action will be taken by the subsidiary execution mechanism provided for in the Law on Historical Heritage.

The Consell de Mallorca requests the Ministry of Culture to temporarily cede Alaró Castle for its urgent conservation. The vice-president of the Consell de Mallorca and councillor of Culture and Heritage, Antònia Roca, has informed that this is the second request made to the Spanish government since last April and assures that, should the administrative silence continue, the Consell de Mallorca will initiate the necessary actions to guarantee the conservation of the Castle of Alaró.

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The Consell de Mallorca asks the Ministry of Culture to temporarily cede the Castle of Alaró for its urgent conservation

Roca explained that Alaró Castle, a state-owned Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), is in a state of deterioration that threatens its stability and the safety of visitors. This alarming deterioration in recent years affects the walls in particular.

Despite the joint efforts of the Consell de Mallorca and the Alaró Town Hall, no significant intervention has been carried out by the Ministry of Culture, the monument’s owner. Roca believes that the situation is unsustainable and that immediate intervention is necessary, which the island’s institution will carry out if the Ministry continues to neglect the monument.

The first phase of the conservation project proposed by the Consell de Mallorca would focus on the castle’s access area, with actions that include removing vegetation, repairing areas of deterioration on the walls and replacing construction mortar.

‘Alaró Castle is a symbol of our heritage, but if we do not act soon, we run the risk of losing a cultural asset of great value. We demand that the Ministry of Culture authorise us to intervene urgently and that it temporarily cede the use of the castle to us so that we can carry out these conservation works,’ said the vice-president and councillor Antònia Roca. ‘If we do not receive a response, the Consell de Mallorca will act by the subsidiary execution mechanism provided for in the Law of Historical Heritage of the Balearic Islands,’ she explained.

The Consell de Mallorca has included in its request detailed technical reports, including the conservation report of July 2021 and the technical report of 2024, which show the need for immediate action to guarantee the safety of the monument.

Copia de r 19 1

SFM reinforces safety in transport and promotes the use of the train through actions with various collectives

The railway company signs an agreement with the Guardia Civil for the delivery of 300 transport cards and will extend this initiative to other entities

Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca (SFM) has signed a collaboration agreement with the 17th Zone/Commandery of the Civil Guard of the Balearic Islands to allow free travel to all its members in the services managed by the railway administrator. For this purpose, 300 non-nominative transport cards have been delivered to them, which can be used by all the members of this corps belonging to the demarcation of the island of Mallorca.

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The cards provided through this initiative have an identification number that will allow to have a personalized record of its use by the Command and the main objective is that the members of the corps can have easy access to both train and metro stations to facilitate possible interventions or develop research and intelligence work, but also encourage the use of public rail transport among its members.

The measure gives continuity to other similar agreements already in effect by SFM, such as the one made under the same conditions with the National Police a few years ago or with the Local Police of Sineu, more recently. Likewise, SFM intends to follow the same steps with other local police forces in municipalities along the railway corridor.

On the other hand, SFM has opened the application for obtaining group tickets to new entities, such as associations or leisure and free time entities, the different groups of the Moviment Escolta i Guiatge de Mallorca, entities that work with people with functional diversity or senior citizens or other similar groups that want to benefit from the advantages of this ticket.

Until now, the purchase of group tickets was authorized exclusively to schools attached to the Ministry of Education of the Government of the Balearic Islands, being free of charge for students in kindergarten, primary and secondary schools and offering very low fares for the rest of the courses.

It should be remembered that the group ticket must be requested to SFM in advance and following the established channels and it is not necessary to have the Intermodal Card to make use of it by any member of the group traveling on the train. It is a type of ticket widely used for excursions or outings by schools since, apart from the economic benefit if you do not have an Intermodal Card, it allows you to organize the trip with the advice of the railway company’s staff and speeds up the access and exit of the stations for the comfort and safety of both the group making the trip and the rest of the users of the railway network.

r 22 min 1

Health reinforces child vaccination against pneumococcus with a more complete vaccine

From this April, the Balearic Islands will improve the children’s vaccination schedule with the inclusion of the 20-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Until now, and since 2016, babies have been immunised against 13 serotypes in three doses. From this April, and following the authorisation of the European Medicines Agency for the use of the 20-valent pneumococcal conjugate pneumococcal vaccine, the Balearic Islands will be the first Autonomous Community to include this booster vaccine in the children’s vaccination schedule.

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Health reinforces child vaccination against pneumococcus

The Director General of Public Health, Elena Esteban, explained this morning, in a presentation at the Palmanova health centre, all the details of the vaccine recently incorporated into the children’s vaccination schedule, which can achieve up to four times more protection than the previous vaccine of 13 serotypes, taking into account the circulating serotypes.

As explained by Elena Esteban, who was accompanied by the coordinator of the Primary Care vaccination centre, Verónica Vega, the immunisation of babies with the new drug will be carried out in four doses: at 2, 4 and 6 months, with a booster at 11 months.

This booster vaccine with 20 serotypes has been included in the adult population’s schedule as a single dose since last October. Vaccination against pneumococcal disease in adults is indicated for people aged between 65 and 75 years and people with risk factors for invasive pneumococcal disease: transplant recipients, cancer patients, immunocompromised people, people with immunodeficiencies, cardiovascular or respiratory diseases or people institutionalised in nursing homes.

The Directorate General of Public Health of the Regional Ministry of Health has purchased 40,000 doses for the period between 31 March 2024 and 30 March 2025, with an investment of 1,961,000 euros. Of these, 25,500 doses are expected to be administered to the paediatric population, which usually achieves a vaccination coverage of 90%.

Pneumococcal pneumonia and invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) are a major health problem, mainly associated with the existence of risk factors and also related to age. In Spain, in recent years, the National Epidemiological Surveillance Network (RENAVE) has recorded between 3,000 and 4,000 cases per year, mainly affecting children under five years of age and older people.

Vaccination is an essential tool to prevent invasive pneumococcal disease, and for this reason, the vaccine was included in the children’s schedule in 2016. In the case of older people, the vaccine was already administered to people in at-risk groups and 2018 the Public Health Commission approved universal vaccination at 65 years of age.

Ines Gatos Bunyola

Inés Bennasar

Inés Bennasar helps those most in need, from Bunyola. This mother of 14 cats, 1 dog, 4 sheep and 1 pig, will be in charge of giving voice to all those little balls of love, who have not been so lucky. This way we will know that second chances exist and we will put emphasis on looking for them.

Pere Moyà Serra

Pere Moyà is a video game programmer and hardware enthusiast from Manacor with studies in multiplatform programming and marketing. He has worked on games such as Kandra: The Moonwalker, Specimen 203 and Orion: The Eternal Punishment. He has been making videogames since he was 14 years old, initially alone and later in a team, as well as keeping up to date with the world of consumer electronics and recommending products on his website.

Copia de r 2024 10 13T104531.796

Water reserves in the Balearic Islands increase to 46% during September

The Artà Demand Unit goes on alert, activating the measures of the Special Action Plan for Situations of Alert and Possible Drought.

Water reserves in the Balearic Islands have increased to 46% during September, an increase of 3 percentage points over the previous month, but still 6 points less than in the same period last year, when they stood at 52%. This situation continues to call for rigorous monitoring and responsible management of available resources.

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Water reserves in the Balearic Islands increase to 46% during September

This month there has been a change of scenario: the Artà Demand Unit (UD) has gone on alert. Thus, the UD of Artà, es Pla and Formentera are currently in the alert scenario, activating the measures established in the Special Plan of Actions in Situations of Alert and Possible Drought. These measures include the limitation of garden irrigation, street cleaning, ornamental uses and beach showers by the managing entities without connection to desalination plants, as well as restrictions on water supply in rural areas and the promotion of awareness campaigns by the administrations.

Meanwhile, 82.2% of the Balearic Islands territory, comprising the UD of Menorca, Manacor-Felanitx, Migjorn, Palma-Alcúdia, Tramuntana Norte, Tramuntana Sur and Eivissa, remains in pre-alert.

About the evolution of bookings by Demand Unit, four DUs have registered a decrease: Artà, Manacor-Felanitx, Tramuntana Sur and Formentera, while three DUs have experienced an increase: Menorca, Migjorn and Tramuntana Norte. The UDs of es Pla, Palma-Alcúdia and Eivissa have remained stable. The general index for the demarcation is 0.365, a slight increase compared to the previous month, but lower than last year (0.429) and two years ago (0.438).

As for the percentages of bookings by island, Mallorca has risen from 43% to 47%, Menorca has increased from 39% to 44%, and Eivissa has increased slightly from 32% to 33%. Despite this improvement, the overall situation in the Balearic Islands is still less favourable than it was a year ago.

According to AEMET data, September was a normal month in terms of rainfall, with an average of 48.8 l/m² compared to the usual 61.2 l/m². By islands, Menorca recorded 48.1 l/m² (vs. 56.9 l/m²), Mallorca 49.0 l/m² (vs. 62.7 l/m²) and Eivissa 55.3 l/m² (vs. 60.1 l/m²). In contrast, Formentera had a dry month, with only 22.2 l/m² (vs. 42.6 l/m²).

The percentage of accumulated annual rainfall in the Balearics stands at 76%, with Mallorca at 77%, Menorca at 87% and the Pitiusas at 56%. In terms of temperatures, the month of September has been considered normal, with an average temperature of 22.1ºC and an anomaly of -0.2ºC.

Considering the current situation and the recorded rainfall, it is expected that stocks may continue to increase during the month of October, with no significant changes in the scenario expected.

Copia de r 5 2

“Language goes to the Museum” offers a new opportunity to share Catalan as part of the celebration of International Museum Day

The activities will take place in Ibiza, Menorca and Mallorca.

The Institute of Balearic Studies (IEB) is launching a new initiative to promote the use of the Catalan language through guided tours to discover the environment, history and culture of our islands. The initiative aims to create spaces for socialising in which Catalan speakers and people who want to practice the Catalan language can participate.

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New opportunity to share Catalan as part of the celebration of International Museum Day

The initial activities have been carried out on the island of Mallorca, aimed exclusively at students on IEB courses. The first visit took place this Monday, 13th May, at 6A Taller i Galeria d’Art, where they were able to see the gallery’s current exhibition and the printmaking workshop. The second meeting is scheduled for today, Wednesday the 15th of May, with a morning and afternoon session at Es Baluart Museu d’Art Contemporani de Palma. During the visit, visitors will be able to tour the exhibitions by Belio Fullana and Ana Laura Aláez, as well as see the terraces of the emblematic building.

The following visits will take place in Ibiza and Menorca on Saturday the 18th of May, coinciding with International Museum Day. In the city of Ibiza, there will be a guided tour of the Puig des Molins Monographic Museum, through some specially selected objects to learn about the universe of beliefs, rites and funerary behaviour of the men and women of antiquity. You will also have the opportunity to walk through the necropolis and descend into a set of 2,500-year-old underground tombs.

In Menorca, the Museum of Menorca in Maó has prepared a guided tour of its permanent exhibition, with ten carefully chosen objects that invite visitors to travel through the history of Menorca and learn about the island’s details from the technicians.

The director of the Institute of Balearic Studies, Llorenç Perelló, states that “initiatives like this promote the regular use of the Catalan language in different scenarios of everyday life, such as these guided tours, to learn about the culture of our islands at the same time”.

Copia de r 2024 05 27T162124.049

Inca Town Council and the Pagesa de Inca Cooperative signed a collaboration agreement for the modernisation of their facilities

The Inca Town Council reaffirms its commitment to the farming sector and local farmers with the approval of a direct subsidy to the Pagesa de Inca Cooperative. In this way, the town council of the capital of Raiguer has granted a subsidy of 40,000 euros to improve the development of its work and contribute to increasing efficiency and sustainability.

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Inca Town Council and the Pagesa de Inca Cooperative signed a collaboration agreement

“This agreement is another example of the commitment of the Inca Town Council to the local agricultural sector. The Pagesa de Inca Cooperative plays a crucial role in our community and this modernisation of their facilities will allow them to continue their valuable work more efficiently,” says the Mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

The main objective of this direct subsidy is to provide economic support to the farmers of Inca, in order to promote the maintenance and growth of the sector. This aid will provide the Cooperativa Pagesa de Inca with the resources necessary to equip and modernise the shop, warehouse, offices and meeting room at the headquarters of the Cooperativa Pagesa de Inca.

“The main objective of this grant is to strengthen the sector and ensure its sustainable development. In this way, we support the Cooperativa Pagesa de Inca, a reference entity in the town, in its work of advising and training local farmers, as well as promoting agriculture and the development of the primary sector in Inca”, explains the councillor for the Environment, Helena Cayetano.

The signing of the grant agreement for the modernisation and adaptation of the cooperative’s headquarters was presided over by the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, and the president of the Pagesa de Inca Cooperative, Tomeu Martorell. Also present at the meeting were the councillor for the Environment, Helena Cayetano, and other representatives of the cooperative.

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The number of passengers travelling on TIB buses rises by 42% in the first four months of 2024

Nearly 6.5 million passengers travelled on TIB between January and April, an increase of 1.9 million (42%) compared to the same period last year.

The Ministry of Housing, Territory and Mobility of the Government of the Balearic Islands, through the Transport Consortium of Mallorca (CTM), has recorded in the first four months of the year, from January to April 2024, nearly 6.5 million passengers who have travelled on the TIB bus, which represents an increase of 42.2% in the number of users compared to the same period of 2023, when free travel on all public transport was already in force.

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The number of passengers travelling on TIB buses rises by 42%

During the first four months of this year, the increase was more than 1.9 million passengers compared to the same period in 2023, from 4.5 million to nearly 6.5 million. This 42% increase in demand for TIB network buses comes between two periods in which free transport had already been introduced for users travelling with the Intermodal Card.

At present, the interurban public transport of the TIB network connects the different municipalities and areas of Mallorca with 71 bus lines. To cope with the increase in demand, both during the winter season and in the new service for the summer season, reinforcement measures have been adopted, mainly to increase frequencies on the bus lines.

During the winter season, from 1 November to 21 March, the TIB network was reinforced with an increase of 27 bus lines compared to the previous winter, an improvement of 53% of the total number of lines operating in this period. Likewise, for the summer season, this year the start of the reinforcement of the service was brought forward to 22 March compared to the last high season.

For the summer season, frequencies have been increased on a total of 24 bus lines, resuming service on sixteen lines and incorporating a new line (131) in the Serra de Tramuntana, between Santa Ponça, Banyalbufar and La Granja de Esporles.

Ten new compressed natural gas buses are expected to be added to the TIB’s current sustainable fleet in the coming weeks, increasing the current fleet, which currently has 201 compressed natural gas buses and eighteen electric buses.

About the reinforcements adopted for the summer season, in the Ponent area, the nuclei of Palmanova and Magaluf (104) have been better connected with services every 15 minutes in each direction, and, compared to last summer, the improved offer in the tourist area of Costa de la Calma also stands out, which almost doubles connectivity with Palma and Santa Ponça, with a new frequency of 25 minutes.

In the northern area of Mallorca, the late-night service on the suburban line connecting Alcúdia-Can Picafort (324) has been reinforced, reaching beyond 00.00 h with a stable frequency of 12-13 minutes; line 302 has been improved compared to 2023 by increasing the frequency to one bus every twenty minutes during peak hours and extending the service until 0. 10 am to ensure that hotel and restaurant workers can return home; and in the centre of Cala Sant Vicenç, line 321 has brought forward the daily start time to 7.10 am.

On the Llevant coast, the Cales de Mallorca line (416) has increased its services by 50% since the end of March, and in the Migjorn area, the Campos-Palma express services (501) have been added throughout the day. Concerning the Aerotib lines that connect with Palma airport, the A32 and A42 lines have increased their service by 10 % compared to the summer of 2023.