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About us

Lovers of the part forana, the Balearic Islands and the world, communication is the network. Graduates in Journalism, Communication and in life. Experience is one degree and passion for our environment the other. In the section our writers at the end of the front page we will put a face and a story to each of the small and indispensable parts that make the TDB possible. They are everything and their contributions form our brand image.


To promote the development and progress of the people of the Forana part of Mallorca, followed by the rest of the Balearic Islands. Offering truthful, independent and responsible information.

Digital Newspaper passionate about words communicates with the heart“.


To be the Balearic digital reference. Internationally, to be the digital reference for the English public visiting the Balearic Islands,


  • Passionate about local commerce. Creativity and innovation The pandemic has taught us the importance of loving what is ours. Whether due to lack of supplies or mobility restrictions, we all appreciate a little more the potatoes from Sa Pobla, the oranges from Soller… It is only fair to add the economic effort of these small producers who are passionate about their products and give us a little bit of tradition in each of their experiences. Buy local produce, the local economy and the sustainability of the planet will thank you.
  • Passionate about digital communication. Independence, pluralism and rigour. Your good knowledge allows us a global reach. The diffusion is unlimited. We promote its use and optimal development. The key is respect for the environment and the balance between modernity and tradition.
  • Passionate about Information. Defense of progress, freedom, democracy, right and oportunity equality. The main activity of the TDB reflects the philosophy of the project, a philosophy that we have internalised and for which we strive to materialise in order to have a better world. It is centred on objective information that is a true reflection of reality.
  • Passionate about sustainability. Responsible, efficient and sustainable management. The aim is to get as close as possible to zero waste and to leave the smallest possible carbon footprint and, if we generate waste, to compensate with reforestation or planting trees in places in need.
  • Passionate about people. They are the centre of our digital. We gather the demands of the population and give them a voice. We pay special attention to the management of new talents. They form our community of writers.

The TDB is a participative platform, in which companies and institutions can collaborate by informing about their different initiatives. We are also at the service of our readers. We encourage everyone to write, contribute constructive messages, queries, fears, challenges or challenges through our social networks. Everyone’s opinion is important to lead a change towards a more selective society in communications.

TDB News

The IBJOVE opens the booking period for the La Victòria camp for recreational-educational stays during the 2025 season

The IBJOVE opens the booking period for the La Victòria camp for recreational-educational stays during the 2025 season

This summer more than 9,000 children and young people have spent the night at this facility, and some 6,000 did so last academic year. The Institut Balear de la Joventut (IBJOVE), a body dependent on the Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs, today opens...

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PortsIB and the Consell Insular de Menorca sign a collaboration agreement for fire prevention, fire extinction, rescue and civil protection

PortsIB and the Consell Insular de Menorca sign a collaboration agreement for fire prevention, fire extinction, rescue and civil protection

Both entities join forces to improve safety in the island's ports Ports de les Illes Balears (PortsIB) and the Consell Insular de Menorca have signed a collaboration agreement to reinforce fire prevention, extinguishing, rescue and civil protection in the, directly...

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The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment presents the new range of forestry activities for the 2024-2025 school year

The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment presents the new range of forestry activities for the 2024-2025 school year

With new educational material, such as the poster ‘Identificació de 30 plantes comunes dels boscos de les Illes Balears’, the aim is to transmit the values of the forest and its singularities and promote fire risk prevention. The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and...

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30 specialists in tackling male violence will join local bodies on the Islands thanks to IBDONA grants

30 specialists in tackling male violence will join local bodies on the Islands thanks to IBDONA grants

4,450,000 euros will be distributed until 2027 among the local councils and associations of municipalities that have applied for it. The Institut Balear de la Dona (IBDONA) has granted a total of 4,450,973 euros to 26 local entities on the Islands - including local...

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The online public library eBiblio celebrates its 10th anniversary with record numbers of loans and readers

The online public library eBiblio celebrates its 10th anniversary with record numbers of loans and readers

The library lending platform, promoted by the Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the autonomous communities, has lent more than 18 million books of all genres, audiobooks, comics and magazines in this decade. eBiblio, the online library lending platform...

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The number of households that did not waste food in 2023 increased by 4.4 % compared to the previous year

The number of households that did not waste food in 2023 increased by 4.4 % compared to the previous year

The trend in recent years is positive, with Spanish households wasting 13.2 % less food and drink than in 2020. The number of households that did not waste any food increased by 4.4% in 2023 compared to the previous year. This confirms the positive and decreasing...

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