The government authorises advance payment of up to 100% of the subsidies to Balearic communities abroad

The government authorises advance payment of up to 100% of the subsidies to Balearic communities abroad

The budget item is doubled about last year and goes from 65,000 € to 126,000 € budgeted for this year The amount that can be granted to the 22 entities constituted outside the territory of the CAIB is between 1,000 and 13,000 The Consell de Govern has agreed today to...
The deadline for applications for the new ‘zero quota’ call for contributions for self-employed workers in the second year of activity is now open

The deadline for applications for the new ‘zero quota’ call for contributions for self-employed workers in the second year of activity is now open

The beneficiaries will be individual entrepreneurs whose second year in the RETA occurs between 1 January 2024 and 15 August 2024. The deadline for submitting applications begins today, 22 July, and will end on 31 August 2024. The Regional Ministry of Enterprise,...
President Galmés receives the seven young people hired by the Consell de Mallorca with the programme ‘SOIB Jove: Qualificats – Entitats Locals 2024’

President Galmés receives the seven young people hired by the Consell de Mallorca with the programme ‘SOIB Jove: Qualificats – Entitats Locals 2024’

The initiative to promote public contracting is aimed at unemployed young people over 18 and under 30 years of age with a university degree, higher vocational training or level 3 certificates of professionalism. The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç...
Families in the Balearic Islands exercise for the first time their right to choose their first language of education

Families in the Balearic Islands exercise for the first time their right to choose their first language of education

78.5% of families choose Catalan as their first language of instruction and 16% prefer Spanish. To comply with article 135 of Law 1/2022 of 8 March on education in the Balearic Islands (LEIB), the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities has guaranteed that for...
The Consell Insular grants 15.000 euros to the Cercle Artístic de Ciutadella to carry out the XLIX Premi Born de Teatre

The Consell Insular grants 15.000 euros to the Cercle Artístic de Ciutadella to carry out the XLIX Premi Born de Teatre

This has been held since 1970 and is one of the most prestigious theatre text prizes in Spain. Once again this year, the Consell Insular de Menorca has signed a collaboration agreement with the Cercle Artístic de Ciutadella to hold the XLIX edition of the Premi Born...
The Spanish economy records a non-energy trade surplus of 630 million euros, its highest level in the last 15 months

The Spanish economy records a non-energy trade surplus of 630 million euros, its highest level in the last 15 months

The foreign sector continues to show strong dynamism, growing by 2.3% in May, compared to the declines in the main European economies and the EU as a whole. The trade deficit fell by 25% in May, compared with the same month of the previous year. Spanish exports of...