A chamber ensemble of the Symphony Orchestra of the Balearic Islands fills Palma Penitentiary Centre with music

A chamber ensemble of the Symphony Orchestra of the Balearic Islands fills Palma Penitentiary Centre with music

A brass and percussion quintet from the Orquesta Sinfónica Illes Balears (Symphony Orchestra of the Balearic Islands) gave a chamber concert at the Palma Penitentiary Centre. This event is part of the #SonamPertu cycle and one of the OSIB’s social concerts. The...
The Consell de Mallorca receives 387 applications from town councils for projects of improvement of energy efficiency in the municipalities

The Consell de Mallorca receives 387 applications from town councils for projects of improvement of energy efficiency in the municipalities

The call for grants amounts to 7 million euros for the years 2024 and 2025, and is framed in the European Covenant of Mayors The Consell de Mallorca has received a total of 387 applications from the island’s local councils to access the call for subsidies for...
The Directorate General of Public Health will issue heat alerts depending on the temperatures in each area of the Balearic Islands

The Directorate General of Public Health will issue heat alerts depending on the temperatures in each area of the Balearic Islands

The warnings will be activated from 33.3 degrees in Palma and 34.8 degrees in the north and northeast of Mallorca. The Epidemiology Service will disseminate the data to the public health and socio-health network to prevent heat stroke. TDB keeps you informed. Follow...
The Balearic and Canary Islands join forces to defend the peculiarities of their primary sector before the State and the European Union

The Balearic and Canary Islands join forces to defend the peculiarities of their primary sector before the State and the European Union

The councillor Joan Simonet, accompanied by the directors general Fernando Fernández and Joan Llabrés, met today in Tenerife with the Canary Islands Minister of Agriculture, Narvay Quintero, to share aspects linked to administrative simplification, generational change...
The Government proposes to the central government to provide local police with specific training in the area of youth gangs

The Government proposes to the central government to provide local police with specific training in the area of youth gangs

The director general of Emergencies and Interior proposes to the government delegate actions to improve coordination and transfer of information between police forces The Director General of Emergencies and Interior of the Balearic Islands Government, Sebastià Sureda,...
Tomorrow is the deadline for applying for school canteen subsidies for the 2024/2025 academic year, which includes Transition to Adult Life Pupils

Tomorrow is the deadline for applying for school canteen subsidies for the 2024/2025 academic year, which includes Transition to Adult Life Pupils

The aid application must be made during the same period as the enrolment period for each cycle. For the school year 24/25, Education has earmarked 9.5 million euros for school canteen grants. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us...
Culture announces a line of subsidies of 500,000 euros to promote the organisation of film festivals and competitions in the Balearic Islands during 2024

Culture announces a line of subsidies of 500,000 euros to promote the organisation of film festivals and competitions in the Balearic Islands during 2024

Projects carried out between 1 January and 10 November 2024 will be eligible for funding. The Regional Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport has announced a call for applications for a line of aid worth 500,000 euros to promote the organisation of film festivals and...
Employment in the audiovisual sector has increased by more than 93% in three years with a notable growth in productions made in Spain

Employment in the audiovisual sector has increased by more than 93% in three years with a notable growth in productions made in Spain

The Ministry for Digital Transformation and the Civil Service, through the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures, has taken stock of the main data reflected in its Audiovisual Sector Report 2023. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us...
Experts in the field of the elderly reflect on ways to make visible, address and eradicate ageism at a conference organised by IMAS

Experts in the field of the elderly reflect on ways to make visible, address and eradicate ageism at a conference organised by IMAS

President Llorenç Galmés insisted on the need to put an end to age discrimination during the 13th conference A Look at the Protection of Older Adults, organised on the occasion of the International Day for Raising Awareness of the Abuse and Mistreatment of Older...
Medio Natural awards the EMAS and Ecolabel labels to companies and organisations in the Balearic Islands for their environmental commitment

Medio Natural awards the EMAS and Ecolabel labels to companies and organisations in the Balearic Islands for their environmental commitment

These awards, presented by the Environmental Quality and Education Service, highlight actions that contribute to a circular and cleaner economy, as well as the achievement of responsible consumption and production. The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and...