The 2024-2025 school year starts with 818 more professionals in the centres and a firm commitment to improving attention to diversity

The 2024-2025 school year starts with 818 more professionals in the centres and a firm commitment to improving attention to diversity

The number of school places has been increased with the new primary schools in Campos and Inca and the extensions of CEIP Blai Bonet in Santanyí and Rosa dels Vents in Artà. The drive to create places for 0-3 year olds continues and today marks the start of the...
The Department of Economy and General Services in Menorca increases the nominative aid to ASCOME to 180,000 euros

The Department of Economy and General Services in Menorca increases the nominative aid to ASCOME to 180,000 euros

This modification aims to support training activities and campaigns for local commerce. The Executive Council of the Consell Insular de Menorca has approved the modification of the current budget execution bases to increase the amount of the nominative aid in favour...
The president of the Consell de Mallorca participates in the XLIII edition of the Pujada a Lluc a Peu de la Part Forana (Race to Lluc on foot of the Part Forana)

The president of the Consell de Mallorca participates in the XLIII edition of the Pujada a Lluc a Peu de la Part Forana (Race to Lluc on foot of the Part Forana)

The president joins the more than 5,000 pilgrims who have walked to the Sanctuary of Lluc that night from the different municipalities of Mallorca. The President of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, took part in the events of the Festa de Lluc a Peu, on the...
The Consell d’Eivissa launches a public tender for the construction of 4 bike lanes for 20 million euros

The Consell d’Eivissa launches a public tender for the construction of 4 bike lanes for 20 million euros

The Consell Executiu has initially approved the projects for the construction of four bicycle lanes at a total cost of 20,164,472.71 euros and has put them on public display. Specifically, the Department of Territorial Management, Road Infrastructures, Tourist...
Nineteen reported in the first operation with private detectives infiltrating transport inspections

Nineteen reported in the first operation with private detectives infiltrating transport inspections

This operation was carried out in collaboration with the local police and took place in various parts of the island. A total of nine pirate taxi drivers reported for illegal transport; seven VTC reported for infringements in the search and collection of clients who...
Inauguration of the 1st Hunting and Rural World Fair organised by the Consell de Mallorca this weekend in Son Pardo

Inauguration of the 1st Hunting and Rural World Fair organised by the Consell de Mallorca this weekend in Son Pardo

The Conseller Pedro Bestard, along with the rest of authorities, have witnessed a release of carrier pigeons that has kicked off a full program of activities. This Saturday saw the start of the 1st Hunting and Rural World Fair organised by the Consell de Mallorca,...
The Consell de Mallorca organises the first Fiesta de la Pastelería y de los Hornos on the occasion of the celebration of the Diada de Mallorca (Day of Mallorca)

The Consell de Mallorca organises the first Fiesta de la Pastelería y de los Hornos on the occasion of the celebration of the Diada de Mallorca (Day of Mallorca)

The gastronomic event, which will take place at the La Misericòrdia cultural centre on Saturday the 14th of September, will consist of a display of local specialities and a show-cooking event; there will also be a tribute to the island’s confectioners. The...
Prohens highlights the joint work between the Government and the Universitat de les Illes Balears based on institutional loyalty and respect for university autonomy

Prohens highlights the joint work between the Government and the Universitat de les Illes Balears based on institutional loyalty and respect for university autonomy

The President took part in the solemn opening ceremony of the university academic year. She highlighted the commitment to research and stressed that the needs of the Balearic Islands’ students have been met. The President of the Government of the Balearic...
In two months, the Consell’s tourism inspection services processed 39 sanctioning proceedings amounting to more than 1.5 million euros in fines

In two months, the Consell’s tourism inspection services processed 39 sanctioning proceedings amounting to more than 1.5 million euros in fines

-So far, 576,090 euros have been collected in tourism fines over this year. The councillor of the Department for the Fight against Intrusion, Mariano Juan, has highlighted the ‘good work rate’ of the Inspection and Collection services of the Consell de Eivissa, which...
The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats has allocated 472 places in the ordinary process of awarding places to temporary teachers

The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats has allocated 472 places in the ordinary process of awarding places to temporary teachers

The second round of allocations will close on Monday. Until the moment, the Conselleria has awarded a total of 2.691 vacancies to interim teachers. The Directorate General for Teaching Staff and Concerted Centres of the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities...
The Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, takes part in the inauguration of the Navy Historical Archive

The Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, takes part in the inauguration of the Navy Historical Archive

The Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, attended the inauguration of the ‘Juan Sebastián de Elcano’ building, which has 15 kilometres of space for the custody of documentation open to the public. The Navy now has a new headquarters to store its historical archive....
The Directorate General for Emergencies and the Interior collaborates in the Pujada a Lluc in the Part Forana region

The Directorate General for Emergencies and the Interior collaborates in the Pujada a Lluc in the Part Forana region

Emergency personnel from the Government of Catalonia and around sixty volunteers from the Civil Defence Department will ensure the safety of the participants. The Directorate General of Emergencies and the Interior is taking part in the 43rd edition of the Pujada a...