The Government of the Balearic Islands resolves the first payment of the 2023 housing rental subsidies, amounting to nearly 825,000 euros, to 355 beneficiaries

The Government of the Balearic Islands resolves the first payment of the 2023 housing rental subsidies, amounting to nearly 825,000 euros, to 355 beneficiaries

The Government of the Balearic Islands, through the Directorate General of Housing and Architecture, has resolved the first payment of the 2023 rental aid for housing, amounting to nearly 825,000 euros, to 355 beneficiaries. The payment resolution was published this...
The Local Police of Inca promotes an awareness campaign on the proper use of parking spaces reserved for people with functional diversity

The Local Police of Inca promotes an awareness campaign on the proper use of parking spaces reserved for people with functional diversity

Under the slogan “No parking spaces for people with reduced mobility”, different awareness-raising actions are being carried out to make it clear that there is no excuse for parking in these spaces, making it difficult for people with reduced mobility to...
Abaqua puts out to tender the installation and/or renovation of sludge centrifuge equipment at five treatment plants in Mallorca

Abaqua puts out to tender the installation and/or renovation of sludge centrifuge equipment at five treatment plants in Mallorca

Improving the efficiency of sludge handling is essential to minimise the environmental impact and associated costs The Balearic Water and Environmental Quality Agency (Abaqua) has put out to tender the installation and/or renovation of sludge centrifuge equipment at...
The Consell de Mallorca is commemorating the 30th anniversary of the first Music Band Meeting in Santanyí with a total of 19 ensembles and 600 participants

The Consell de Mallorca is commemorating the 30th anniversary of the first Music Band Meeting in Santanyí with a total of 19 ensembles and 600 participants

The event, which will take place this Sunday, will begin at 11:30 a.m. with a parade from the music school to the main square. The Consell de Mallorca (Mallorca Council) is organising a Bands of Music Meeting to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the first meeting...
Sílvia Rigo wins the prize for the Best Story of the Balearic Islands at the 16th edition of AMIC-Ficcions

Sílvia Rigo wins the prize for the Best Story of the Balearic Islands at the 16th edition of AMIC-Ficcions

The Consell de Mallorca promotes Catalan culture and literature with a grant of €20,000 for the association organising the awards The Misericordia Cultural Centre hosted the prize-giving ceremony for the 16th edition of the AMIC-Ficcions literary competition. Of the...
The Government creates the Commission for Coordination in Matters of Cooperation for Global Transformation

The Government creates the Commission for Coordination in Matters of Cooperation for Global Transformation

The body, attached to the Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs, will ensure the configuration of a more strategic, flexible and open system of cooperation. It will be an operational and agile instrument for participatory debate in matters related to...
Mallorca Rural organises the new Rural’GO awards to promote the consolidation of companies in the rural environment

Mallorca Rural organises the new Rural’GO awards to promote the consolidation of companies in the rural environment

The awards are financed by CaixaBank, with the collaboration of the Regional Ministry of Enterprise, Employment and Energy. Mallorca Rural is organising the first edition of the Rural’GO awards for the consolidation of businesses in rural areas, which will...
The Contentious Administrative Court gives the Consell de Mallorca two months to execute the sentence that declared the rescue of the Sóller tunnel null and void in 2017

The Contentious Administrative Court gives the Consell de Mallorca two months to execute the sentence that declared the rescue of the Sóller tunnel null and void in 2017

The councillor for Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, explained that the island institution must issue a resolution, which they are already working on, and they will make every effort to ensure that the economic impact of the ruling is minimal...
The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs reiterates its commitment to the fight against LGTBI-phobia

The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs reiterates its commitment to the fight against LGTBI-phobia

May 17th commemorates the depathologisation of homosexuality by the WHO in 1990. The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs, through its Directorate General for Children, Youth, Families, Equality and Diversity, wishes to reiterate its commitment to the...
The Government promotes a programme of workshops for young people on the prevention of abuse at summer festivals

The Government promotes a programme of workshops for young people on the prevention of abuse at summer festivals

Councillor Estarellas visited IES Alcúdia today, where police tutors gave advice to students on this serious problem. The Councillor for the Presidency and Public Administrations, Antònia Maria Estarellas, visited IES Alcúdia this morning to learn about the...
Llorenç Galmés participates in the meetings in Lluc of the Federation of Associations of Elderly People of the Part Forana with more than 3500 people

Llorenç Galmés participates in the meetings in Lluc of the Federation of Associations of Elderly People of the Part Forana with more than 3500 people

The Consell de Mallorca provides free transport to the 68 associations during the three days of this event The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, accompanied by the insular director of Sociocultural Promotion, Hermosinda Mariño, has participated in...
The government resolves the last payment of the 2022 housing rental subsidies of 3.2 million euros to 1,500 beneficiaries

The government resolves the last payment of the 2022 housing rental subsidies of 3.2 million euros to 1,500 beneficiaries

A total of 8.6 million euros has been paid out in 2022 to more than 3,900 beneficiaries. The Directorate General of Housing and Architecture is already preparing the first payment of the 2023 call for applications. The Government of the Balearic Islands, through the...
300 students from the Balearic Islands take part in the 1st Week of Entrepreneurship and Junior Personal Development

300 students from the Balearic Islands take part in the 1st Week of Entrepreneurship and Junior Personal Development

An initiative, organised by the Regional Ministry of Enterprise, Employment and Energy and the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of the Balearic Islands, which aims to encourage entrepreneurship among young people in the Balearic Islands. TDB keeps you informed....