“Language goes to the Museum” offers a new opportunity to share Catalan as part of the celebration of International Museum Day

“Language goes to the Museum” offers a new opportunity to share Catalan as part of the celebration of International Museum Day

The activities will take place in Ibiza, Menorca and Mallorca. The Institute of Balearic Studies (IEB) is launching a new initiative to promote the use of the Catalan language through guided tours to discover the environment, history and culture of our islands. The...
The results of the Posidonia Monitoring Network reveal an improvement in the state of the meadows in the Balearic Islands

The results of the Posidonia Monitoring Network reveal an improvement in the state of the meadows in the Balearic Islands

The data obtained between 2002 and 2023 in the 71 points of the study show that the situations of stability or increase in the quantity of this plant predominate. The results obtained by the Posidonia Monitoring Network show, in general, an improvement in the state of...
President Galmés and the British Ambassador discuss the start of the tourist season

President Galmés and the British Ambassador discuss the start of the tourist season

The Consell de Mallorca and the British embassy forge alliances to promote responsible tourism on the island The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, received the British ambassador, Hugh Elliott, in the audience on Tuesday to discuss the start of the...
The government agrees with the trade unions on the EBAP training offer for the first time since 2015

The government agrees with the trade unions on the EBAP training offer for the first time since 2015

Councillor Estarellas today chaired the joint commission that approved both the Catalan language training plan and the offer aimed at CAIB staff. The Joint Commission for Occupational Training for the Public Administration of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic...
The Consell Insular donates more than 6,000 pieces of sports equipment to centres in the Social Welfare area

The Consell Insular donates more than 6,000 pieces of sports equipment to centres in the Social Welfare area

These are sports equipment that have been stored for many years in the Consell’s facilities. The Sports Department of the Consell Insular de Menorca has delivered two pallets of sports equipment to centres in the Social Welfare area. These are sports items that...
Inca installs the water fountains requested by the residents in the Participatory Budgeting process

Inca installs the water fountains requested by the residents in the Participatory Budgeting process

These are refrigerated, filtered drinking water fountains, specially designed to dispense reusable ampoules.They also incorporate an outlet for dogs to drink from and are accessible for wheelchair users. The Inca Town Council has installed 6 drinking water fountains...
Water reserves in the Balearic Islands stand at 53% in April, pending reflection of the impact of the latest rainfall

Water reserves in the Balearic Islands stand at 53% in April, pending reflection of the impact of the latest rainfall

The whole of the archipelago is in a pre-alert situation Water reserves in the Balearic Islands stood at 53% in April, a figure that shows a drop of 2% compared to the previous month, although the benefit of the latest rains in the archipelago has not yet been...
The Consell de Mallorca will allocate 2.3 million euros to the promotion of values through new sports sponsorship contracts

The Consell de Mallorca will allocate 2.3 million euros to the promotion of values through new sports sponsorship contracts

The institution launches the Jugam amb l’Elit programme with 16 clubs that will have to promote attributes such as teamwork, sustainability and inclusion. Today the Consell de Mallorca has presented the Sports Advertising Sponsorship Plan of the Sports...
The Consell de Govern takes note of the presentation of IB Digital’s Action Plan

The Consell de Govern takes note of the presentation of IB Digital’s Action Plan

Increasing the quality of the DTT signal, promoting the tetraIB network for emergency services and deploying the IOTIB network, are among the objectives. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The presentation of IB Digital’s Action...
The Consell de Mallorca will reduce the island’s tourist bed capacity ceiling to 412,000 beds

The Consell de Mallorca will reduce the island’s tourist bed capacity ceiling to 412,000 beds

President Llorenç Galmés has announced a modification of the PIAT which, for the first time, contemplates a reduction in the ceiling of bed places. The Consell de Mallorca will reduce the island’s current ceiling of tourist places by 4.2%. Specifically, it will...
Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment make a new payment of more than 1.6 million euros to the primary sector of the Balearic Islands

Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment make a new payment of more than 1.6 million euros to the primary sector of the Balearic Islands

The payments made by FOGAIBA include more than half a million euros from the call for aid for the promotion of indigenous breeds.The Balearic Islands Agricultural and Fisheries Guarantee Fund (FOGAIBA), part of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the...
The Government will prohibit alcohol consumption on public roads in the areas affected by the decree on responsible tourism

The Government will prohibit alcohol consumption on public roads in the areas affected by the decree on responsible tourism

An annual budget of 16 million euros will be earmarked for the modernisation and improvement of the quality of the areas covered by the decree. The composition of the Commission for the Promotion of Civility in Tourist Areas is modified, including consulates and the...
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food will continue the Spain Food Nation campaign for the international promotion of local foodstuffs

Agriculture, Fisheries and Food will continue the Spain Food Nation campaign for the international promotion of local foodstuffs

New promotional activities are included in the United States, Europe and Asia, with a special focus on China and Japan. The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, through ICEX, have signed an addendum to the Spain...