The Assembly of Mayors reaffirms the change of date of the Diada de Mallorca to 12th September

The Assembly of Mayors reaffirms the change of date of the Diada de Mallorca to 12th September

It has ratified by majority the agreement of the plenary session of the Consell de Mallorca of the 14th of March that re-establishes this date. The Consell de Mallorca held the Assembly of Mayors of Mallorca this Friday in Lloseta, which ratified by majority the...
The Consell de Mallorca will call for two new grants to town councils to apply the law of animal welfare and the cleaning of municipal roads worth 500,000 euros

The Consell de Mallorca will call for two new grants to town councils to apply the law of animal welfare and the cleaning of municipal roads worth 500,000 euros

Llorenç Galmés presided over the Assembly of Mayors held this Friday in Lloseta together with the councillor of Economic Promotion and Local Development, Pilar Amate, in which he also gave an account of the cybersecurity actions that are being implemented in the town...
The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats sets up the University Coordination Board

The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats sets up the University Coordination Board

This consultative, advisory and coordinating body for institutions with university responsibilities has not been convened for the last eight years. The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities today constituted the University Coordination Board, as established...
Communiqué about the information published about the Director General of Coordination and Transparency

Communiqué about the information published about the Director General of Coordination and Transparency

In view of the information published today in the press, the Ministry of the Presidency and Public Administrations states that the Director General of Coordination and Transparency, Jaume Porsell, has not been the administrator of the management company of the Sa...
The Serra de Tramuntana Consortium reinforces its commitment to the “Service Learning in the Serra de Tramuntana” program

The Serra de Tramuntana Consortium reinforces its commitment to the “Service Learning in the Serra de Tramuntana” program

The educational program, offered in collaboration with the Permanent Teacher Training Service, is being extended to adult and vocational training centres. The Serra de Tramuntana Consortium and the Directorate General for Teaching Staff and Concerted Centres of the...
The Council for Childhood and Family of the Balearic Islands met this Wednesday to analyse the Strategic Plan for Childhood and Adolescence Care

The Council for Childhood and Family of the Balearic Islands met this Wednesday to analyse the Strategic Plan for Childhood and Adolescence Care

A meeting of the Balearic Islands Council for Childhood and Family Affairs was held at the Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs. The meeting, chaired by Councillor Catalina Cirer, analysed the Strategic Plan for Child and Adolescent Care of the Balearic...
A call for proposals to fund research projects to assess and mitigate the impact of climate change has been launched

A call for proposals to fund research projects to assess and mitigate the impact of climate change has been launched

The amount of the call is 1,300,000 euros and will finance actions on biodiversity within the framework of the complementary research plans. The Directorate General for Research, Innovation and Digital Transformation has announced a line of grants to finance research...
Chef David Méndez, winner of the 2nd Popular Fish Cooking Competition, with the support of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment

Chef David Méndez, winner of the 2nd Popular Fish Cooking Competition, with the support of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment

The Directorate-General for Agri-food Quality and Local Produce has sponsored this event to highlight certain species of fish that are falling into disuse by consumers.The chef of the restaurant La Fortaleza, David Méndez, was the winner of the second edition of the...
The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities opens the procedure for access and admission to higher artistic education in drama, music and design for the 2024/2025 academic year

The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities opens the procedure for access and admission to higher artistic education in drama, music and design for the 2024/2025 academic year

The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities has opened the access and admission procedure for enrolment in higher artistic studies in drama, music and design. As for applications for enrolment in higher artistic education in the Balearic Islands for the...
Innovation, digitisation and sustainability: the Bit Foundation is driving business transformation in the Balearic Islands

Innovation, digitisation and sustainability: the Bit Foundation is driving business transformation in the Balearic Islands

The Bit Foundation, within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network, funded by the European Commission, presents an exclusive service for Balearic companies seeking to strengthen capacities in innovation management, digitisation and sustainability. This free...
The Conselleria de Educació i Universitats promotes vocal health among teachers on World Voice Day

The Conselleria de Educació i Universitats promotes vocal health among teachers on World Voice Day

Today, 16th April, is World Voice Day, an event promoted since 1999 by the International Federation of Otorhinolaryngology Societies (IFOS). In this context, the Occupational Risk Prevention Service of the Direcció General de Personal Docent i Centres Concertats de la...