The Health Service will re-tender the works of the refurbishment project of the Virgen del Toro Hospital after the construction company’s request to terminate the contract

The Health Service will re-tender the works of the refurbishment project of the Virgen del Toro Hospital after the construction company’s request to terminate the contract

The Health Service of the Balearic Islands will re-tender the construction work on the Virgen del Toro Intermediate Care Hospital that is still pending after the company awarded the work has requested that the contract be terminated given the modifications to the...
The Consell de Govern appoints the members of the Fiscal Advisory Council of the Balearic Islands

The Consell de Govern appoints the members of the Fiscal Advisory Council of the Balearic Islands

The body, which will meet quarterly, is made up of 22 members proposed by the Government, the island councils, the FELIB and the UIB, among others. Among its functions, it will analyse and design the overall public revenue policy and propose the corresponding tax...
The Government Delegation against Gender Violence updates the statistical data on women killed in intimate partner and/or ex-partner relationships

The Government Delegation against Gender Violence updates the statistical data on women killed in intimate partner and/or ex-partner relationships

Following this review of cases, the number of women murdered since 2003 to date is 1,253. The number of minors murdered due to gender violence has risen to 60 since 2013. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The...
The director of IBDONA announces the convening of the Equality Commission to evaluate and study new measures against group sexual aggression

The director of IBDONA announces the convening of the Equality Commission to evaluate and study new measures against group sexual aggression

The Director of the Institut Balear de la Dona (IBDONA), Catalina Salom, has expressed her concern over the increase in gang rapes and the need to reinforce preventive and awareness-raising actions on this issue. For this reason, Salom announced that the Equality...
The Consell de Mallorca earmarks 9 million euros for the purchase of the building of the Hermanitas de los Pobres (Little Sisters of the Poor)

The Consell de Mallorca earmarks 9 million euros for the purchase of the building of the Hermanitas de los Pobres (Little Sisters of the Poor)

The plenary session of the island institution has approved the incorporation of 51.2 million euros from the remaining funds to this year’s budget. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The building of the Hermanitas de los Pobres...
Educació encourages the school enrolment process to be carried out entirely online in all educational cycles

Educació encourages the school enrolment process to be carried out entirely online in all educational cycles

For the first time, a weekly list will be published with all vacancies for 0-3 in all municipalities of the Balearic Islands. Educació encourages the school enrolment process to be carried out entirely online For the next school year, there will be 3 school zones in...
Prohens announces the zero quota for the self-employed for entrepreneurs, which will subsidise Social Security contributions

Prohens announces the zero quota for the self-employed for entrepreneurs, which will subsidise Social Security contributions

The President of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Margalida Prohens, has announced the call for applications for subsidies for the zero quota for self-employed entrepreneurs, with an initial allocation of one million euros, aimed at granting aid to offset the...
From Friday 12th, the SFM regulation that allows dogs and other pets to travel on the train and metro comes into force

From Friday 12th, the SFM regulation that allows dogs and other pets to travel on the train and metro comes into force

Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca (SFM) will be launching this Friday, April 12th, the regulation that for the first time will allow dogs and other pets to travel on the train and the underground. The railway company will publish this Thursday, April 11th, in the...
A minimum of 80 students and 24 VET teachers from the Balearic Islands will be able to participate free of charge this summer in two intensive English language immersion courses in Ireland

A minimum of 80 students and 24 VET teachers from the Balearic Islands will be able to participate free of charge this summer in two intensive English language immersion courses in Ireland

The courses will take place in Ireland between July and September. The aim is to promote the teaching and learning of foreign languages in order to improve the communicative competence in foreign languages of students from the Balearic Islands. TDB keeps you...
The works on the Sant Llorenç care home for dependent elderly people go out to tender

The works on the Sant Llorenç care home for dependent elderly people go out to tender

The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs, through the Consorci de Recursos Sociosanitaris i Assistencials, has put out to tender the works of the residence for dependent elderly people in Sant Llorenç for an amount of 6.864.629,17 € (VAT included). The...
Tourism publishes new Next Generation EU fund line of over 13.5 million euros to finance innovative sustainable projects

Tourism publishes new Next Generation EU fund line of over 13.5 million euros to finance innovative sustainable projects

The Regional Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport has announced a new line of aid to finance innovative projects through cooperation to seek, implement and digitising sustainable innovative solutions in tourist establishments in the Balearic Islands, within the...