484 people have been called to take the Catalan language exams of the Balearic School of Public Administration

484 people have been called to take the Catalan language exams of the Balearic School of Public Administration

A total of 484 people have been called to sit the Catalan language tests of the Balearic School of Public Administration (EBAP), which will be held in Palma, Maó and Ibiza between tomorrow, Tuesday 9 April, and the 18th of this month. These tests are aimed at students...
The Consell de Mallorca demands that the Ministry of Culture immediately begin the restoration of the walls of the castle of Alaró

The Consell de Mallorca demands that the Ministry of Culture immediately begin the restoration of the walls of the castle of Alaró

The Consell de Mallorca will initiate proceedings to force the Ministry of Culture to immediately carry out restoration work on the ruined walls of the emblematic Alaró castle as a site of cultural interest (BIC). The insular institution chaired by Llorenç Galmés is...
The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats has put out to tender the drafting of the project for the extension works of the IES Damià Huguet in Campos

The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats has put out to tender the drafting of the project for the extension works of the IES Damià Huguet in Campos

The Institut Balear d’Infraestructures i Serveis Educatius (IBISEC) of the Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats has put out to tender the drafting of the project for the extension works of the IES Damià Huguet in Campos. TDB keeps you informed....
A total of 21 young people between the ages of 12 and 15 enjoyed the Colònies de Setmana Santa activity in Sa Vinyeta.

A total of 21 young people between the ages of 12 and 15 enjoyed the Colònies de Setmana Santa activity in Sa Vinyeta.

The teenagers enjoyed recreational and cultural activities such as a visit to the Cova de s’Aigua, a gymkhana around Ciutadella or a ‘Holi’ party. This week, from Tuesday to Thursday and coinciding with the school holidays, the Colònies de Setmana...
The Average Period for Payment to Suppliers of Autonomous Communities is 37.89 days in January

The Average Period for Payment to Suppliers of Autonomous Communities is 37.89 days in January

The Average Supplier Payment Period in the Central Administration is 26.86 days and that of the Local Entities included in the assignment model is 44.27 days. The Autonomous Communities have recorded an Average Supplier Payment Period (APP) of 37.89 days in January...