The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment launches a control and inspection campaign on social networks to detect cases of illegal fishing

The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment launches a control and inspection campaign on social networks to detect cases of illegal fishing

The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment, through the Directorate General for Fisheries, has extended the scope of its inspections to detect illegal fishing by including surveillance on social networks as part of the usual...
Govern and FELIB agree on the criteria for the distribution of 16.4 million euros from the Local Cooperation Fund

Govern and FELIB agree on the criteria for the distribution of 16.4 million euros from the Local Cooperation Fund

The joint commission formed by the Government of the Balearic Islands and the Federation of Local Entities of the Balearic Islands (FELIB) met this afternoon at the headquarters of the Ministry of the Presidency and Public Administrations to agree on the criteria for...
The Consell de Mallorca gives a conference in Rome on the mite tomasià to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the death of Saint Catalina Tomàs

The Consell de Mallorca gives a conference in Rome on the mite tomasià to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the death of Saint Catalina Tomàs

The president of the island’s institution, Llorenç Galmés, stresses that the manifestations of the saint are part of the island’s intangible heritage. The Consell de Mallorca is giving a conference on the mite tomasià in Rome. In this way, the island...
Councillor Vidal confirms with Iberia Express and Air Nostrum the extension of their services between the archipelago and the mainland and between islands at Easter Week

Councillor Vidal confirms with Iberia Express and Air Nostrum the extension of their services between the archipelago and the mainland and between islands at Easter Week

Iberia Express is offering 50,000 additional seats on routes from Palma, Maó and Eivissa to Madrid, and Air Nostrum is scheduling flights from Palma to Vigo, Badajoz, León and Valladolid. Air Nostrum also adds one more daily frequency to the current routes from Palma...
The TIB bus network brings the summer season forward to 22 March with a wider range of services and a new line in the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range

The TIB bus network brings the summer season forward to 22 March with a wider range of services and a new line in the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range

The Transports de les Illes Balears (TIB) intercity bus network is being reinforced for the summer season on Friday 22nd March with a wider range of services, which means improvements on a total of 24 lines with increased frequencies and extended timetables, while 11...
The “Viu la cultura” programme continues the concert series with the show “Un paseo por el jazz” (A stroll through jazz) in Mallorca, Ibiza and Formentera

The “Viu la cultura” programme continues the concert series with the show “Un paseo por el jazz” (A stroll through jazz) in Mallorca, Ibiza and Formentera

Over 1,000 students on Mallorca, Ibiza and Formentera will enjoy the show “A Stroll through jazz” throughout this week, included in the “Viu la cultura” programme promoted by the Department of Tourism, Culture and Sports through the Directorate...