The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities calls for the insularity and underfunding of the Balearic Islands to be taken into account in the application of the Organic Law on the University System

The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities calls for the insularity and underfunding of the Balearic Islands to be taken into account in the application of the Organic Law on the University System

The Director General of Universities and Higher Artistic Education, Sebastià Massanet, has participated in the Working Commission for the implementation of the LOSU. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The...
The Grup de Recerca Desigualtats, Gènere i Polítiques Públiques of the UIB wins the highest category of the Consell de Mallorca Awards for Social Innovation 2023

The Grup de Recerca Desigualtats, Gènere i Polítiques Públiques of the UIB wins the highest category of the Consell de Mallorca Awards for Social Innovation 2023

The president Llorenç Galmés and the councillor of Social Welfare, Guillermo Sánchez, have recognised the essential work of entities and professionals of the social services during the ceremony of delivery of these awards. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us...
The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment informs that the single aid application for the CAP 2024 campaign can now be processed

The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment informs that the single aid application for the CAP 2024 campaign can now be processed

Councillor Joan Simonet stresses that “in this second year of the CAP, which recognises the Balearic Islands as a special region, we wanted to provide specific training for collaborating organisations and the staff of the regional delegations to facilitate and...
The Grup de Recerca Desigualtats, Gènere i Polítiques Públiques of the UIB wins the highest category of the Consell de Mallorca Awards for Social Innovation 2023

The Grup de Recerca Desigualtats, Gènere i Polítiques Públiques of the UIB wins the highest category of the Consell de Mallorca Awards for Social Innovation 2023

President Llorenç Galmés and the councillor of Social Welfare, Guillermo Sánchez, have recognized the essential work of entities and professionals of social services during the award ceremony of these awards TDB keeps you informed. Follow us...
The Balearic Islands recorded a year-on-year increase of 3.15% in Social Security registrations in January and a 12.5% drop in unemployment, the sharpest in Spain

The Balearic Islands recorded a year-on-year increase of 3.15% in Social Security registrations in January and a 12.5% drop in unemployment, the sharpest in Spain

Concerning the previous month, unemployment data fell by 1.8%. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The Balearic Islands recorded a year-on-year increase of 3.15% in Social Security registrations Social Security registrations fell by...
The PSOE of Inca celebrates its 88th anniversary with the inauguration of a new headquarters and a tribute to its militants

The PSOE of Inca celebrates its 88th anniversary with the inauguration of a new headquarters and a tribute to its militants

The inauguration of the new headquarters, Casa del Pueblo, located in Plaza Santa Maria la Mayor, 14, has been attended by numerous supporters and militants of the PSIB-PSOE along with: PSIB-PSOE secretary general and president of the Spanish Congress, Francina...
The 4th year acting students of the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de las Illes Balears take their performances to Palma’s Teatre Principal

The 4th year acting students of the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de las Illes Balears take their performances to Palma’s Teatre Principal

The Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de las Illes Balears (ESADIB) collaborates with the Teatre Principal de Palma with the performances of the 4th year acting workshops. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram...
The first civil servants of the Consell de Mallorca take office once the stabilization process is over

The first civil servants of the Consell de Mallorca take office once the stabilization process is over

The 35 technicians of the General Administration of subgroups A1 and A2 obtain positions as career civil servants in the insular institution, the ADT and IMAS. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The stabilization process is over The...
The European Committee of the Regions approves an amendment of the Balearic Islands to take into account the insularity in freight transport

The European Committee of the Regions approves an amendment of the Balearic Islands to take into account the insularity in freight transport

The plenary session of the European Committee of the Regions has agreed to require the European institutions to take into account the disadvantages of insularity, as proposed by the Govern de les Illes Balears through an amendment, in the draft opinion adopted...