More than a dozen municipalities have joined the new service offered by the Consell de Mallorca to issue travel certificates

More than a dozen municipalities have joined the new service offered by the Consell de Mallorca to issue travel certificates

The Department of Local Development continues working to offer technical assistance to the municipalities to make effective the development of electronic administration TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The new service offered by the...
The Consell de Mallorca starts the events for the centenary of the Balearic Islands with the participation of the boat in the parade of Palma.

The Consell de Mallorca starts the events for the centenary of the Balearic Islands with the participation of the boat in the parade of Palma.

The boat, which celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2024, was built in Palma by Astilleros Ballester in 1924 to be used for trawling. In 1998 the Consell de Mallorca declared the Balear an asset of cultural interest with the category of monument. TDB keeps you...
The Balearic Islands close 2023 with historic figures for enrollment and falling unemployment, and set targets for vocational training and the fight against the accident rate

The Balearic Islands close 2023 with historic figures for enrollment and falling unemployment, and set targets for vocational training and the fight against the accident rate

The autonomous community closes in December with 472,912 people registered with Social Security, 3.25% more in year-on-year terms. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The Balearic Islands close 2023 with...
The Government and the Council for Transparency and Good Governance renew for two years the agreement to resolve complaints regarding the right of access to public information

The Government and the Council for Transparency and Good Governance renew for two years the agreement to resolve complaints regarding the right of access to public information

The Government of the Balearic Islands and the Council for Transparency and Good Governance (CTBG) have extended for two more years the agreement signed in 2021 by which this state body is responsible for resolving complaints against decisions issued by the...
Education announces financial aid for companies and non-profit organizations to improve the quality of vocational training in the intensive dual mode

Education announces financial aid for companies and non-profit organizations to improve the quality of vocational training in the intensive dual mode

The deadline for submitting applications is February 29, 2024. Education announces financial aid for companies and non-profit organizations TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Companies will receive up to 2,000...
The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment resolves the call for INEA 2021 grants for an amount of more than 9 million euros

The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment resolves the call for INEA 2021 grants for an amount of more than 9 million euros

The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment has published on the website of the Agricultural and Fisheries Guarantee Fund of the Balearic Islands (FOGAIBA) the provisional proposal for aid for investment in agricultural holdings (INEA...
2,265,817 euros authorized for travel grants for students from Mallorca studying in the European Union

2,265,817 euros authorized for travel grants for students from Mallorca studying in the European Union

\ The beneficiaries will be students who have to travel outside the island for their university education. 2,265,817 euros authorized for travel grants for students from Mallorca TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram \ The Conselleria de...