imagen 2024 07 08 165639390
The IBAVI and the Consell de Menorca signed a new agreement for the management of the Housing Accompaniment Service for Citizens on the island

The IBAVI and the Consell de Menorca signed a new agreement for the management of the Housing Accompaniment Service for Citizens on the island

The IBAVI cedes the use of a space in the new offices in Borja Moll Street with Fernández de Angulo where the staff assigned by the Consell will provide the accompaniment service. The councillor José Luis Mateo and the president of the Consell, Adolfo Vilafranca,...

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The Consell de Mallorca opens the half-closed season for quail, wood pigeon and hare in the modalities of greyhounds and falconry

The Consell de Mallorca opens the half-closed season for quail, wood pigeon and hare in the modalities of greyhounds and falconry

This period coincides with the hunting emergency declared by the Island Hunting Department for the control of pigeons and wood pigeons. The half-open season opened on Thursday 22nd August, which means that quail and wood pigeon hunting is permitted. Hares may only be...

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The new guided tours around Eivissa’s emblematic shops will raise awareness of traditional establishments’ economic, historical, and heritage importance

The new guided tours around Eivissa’s emblematic shops will raise awareness of traditional establishments’ economic, historical, and heritage importance

Ibiza has eleven establishments that are members of Emblemáticos Baleares, which is promoted by the Department of Enterprise, Employment, and Energy. The director general of Enterprise, Self-Employment and Trade, José Antonio Caldés, participated in the initiative's...

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This Sunday, 25th August, the llampuga fishing season opens with ‘llampuguera’ until 31st December

This Sunday, 25th August, the llampuga fishing season opens with ‘llampuguera’ until 31st December

It should be remembered that, as fishing is prohibited for professionals at weekends, the first day on which boats can go out to sea will be Monday 26 August. The ban on llampuga fishing will be lifted tomorrow, 25 August, and the campaign will run until 31 December....

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Record of participation in the Premis Mallorca de Literatura 2024 with a total of 454 works submitted

Record of participation in the Premis Mallorca de Literatura 2024 with a total of 454 works submitted

246 works will compete in the call in Catalan and 208 in Spanish, with an endowment of 113,000 euros: 79,000 and 34,000 respectively. Record participation in the Premis Mallorca de literatura 2024 with a total of 454 works submitted, compared to 276 the previous year,...

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The Government earmarks 10 million euros from the Next Generation EU fund for energy efficiency in tourism companies

The Government earmarks 10 million euros from the Next Generation EU fund for energy efficiency in tourism companies

The call published by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports, has a total budget of 10,094,723.68 €. In the first call, made at the end of 2022, 40 projects were approved with a total budget of 11,105,461.11 €. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us...

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Families in the Balearic Islands will be able to deduct up to 220 euros per child for the purchase of textbooks

Families in the Balearic Islands will be able to deduct up to 220 euros per child for the purchase of textbooks

The Government reminds us that the corresponding invoices or equivalent documents must be kept. The deduction is extended to 350 euros for children under 30 years of age, people with disabilities or people with disabled dependents, large families or single parents....

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