imagen 2024 07 08 165639390
The online public library eBiblio celebrates its 10th anniversary with record numbers of loans and readers

The online public library eBiblio celebrates its 10th anniversary with record numbers of loans and readers

The library lending platform, promoted by the Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the autonomous communities, has lent more than 18 million books of all genres, audiobooks, comics and magazines in this decade. eBiblio, the online library lending platform...

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The number of households that did not waste food in 2023 increased by 4.4 % compared to the previous year

The number of households that did not waste food in 2023 increased by 4.4 % compared to the previous year

The trend in recent years is positive, with Spanish households wasting 13.2 % less food and drink than in 2020. The number of households that did not waste any food increased by 4.4% in 2023 compared to the previous year. This confirms the positive and decreasing...

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The Hospital Comarcal de Inca awards the purchase of new diagnostic technology for more than 1.3 million euros

The Hospital Comarcal de Inca awards the purchase of new diagnostic technology for more than 1.3 million euros

The Radiology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology and Pneumology services will renew part of their diagnostic equipment. The Hospital Comarcal de Inca has awarded the purchase of three X-ray rooms, a surgical arch, three latest-generation ultrasound scanners, a monitor and a...

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The 19th edition of the Fira del Llibre en Català de Menorca (Catalan Book Fair of Menorca) has arrived

The 19th edition of the Fira del Llibre en Català de Menorca (Catalan Book Fair of Menorca) has arrived

The 19th edition of the Fira del Llibre en Català de Menorca (Catalan Book Fair of Menorca) has been presented at the Sa Catòlica bookshop in Maó. The fair, promoted by the Department of Culture, Education, Youth and Sports of the Consell Insular de Menorca, will be...

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The Consell de Eivissa presents the Tourism Intelligence System at the Madrid Tech Show technology fair

The Consell de Eivissa presents the Tourism Intelligence System at the Madrid Tech Show technology fair

On 16th and 17th October the Consell Insular de Eivissa took part in the Madrid Tech Show technology fair, in the Big Data & AI area, where it presented the recently created Eivissa Tourism Intelligence System (SIT Ibiza). Through the presentations organised by...

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The Consell de Mallorca launches a new line of grants to town councils for research projects aimed at promoting the consumption of local produce

The Consell de Mallorca launches a new line of grants to town councils for research projects aimed at promoting the consumption of local produce

This call, endowed with 300,000 euros, includes grants ranging from 3,500 to 10,500 euros. The Consell de Mallorca, through the Department of Economic Promotion and Local Development, has launched for the first time a 300,000-euro call for grants aimed at the island's...

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The Pilot Plan for Childhood Immunisation against the flu has now been completed in 16 schools

The Pilot Plan for Childhood Immunisation against the flu has now been completed in 16 schools

The councillor for Health, Manuela García, and the councillor for Education, Antoni Vera, attended the vaccination of 237 children at the Santa Mónica school in Palma, 65% of those vaccinated. The pilot school immunisation plan continues, with 2,900 students born...

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Emergency actions in the sewerage and treatment facilities over the last two months

Emergency actions in the sewerage and treatment facilities over the last two months

The main interventions have been necessary in Menorca to alleviate the effects of the DANA on Abaqua's purification systems. The Government has earmarked more than 118,000 euros to improve the affected infrastructures. The Consell de Govern has been informed of the...

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