imagen 2024 07 08 165639390
1.5 million euros for the cleaning service at 14 schools in Mallorca, Ibiza and Formentera

1.5 million euros for the cleaning service at 14 schools in Mallorca, Ibiza and Formentera

The Conselleria de Educación does not have the means to make this contract effective and a new contracting dossier is needed. Today's Consell de Govern has authorised this expenditure for 12 secondary schools, a nursery school and a learning camp TDB keeps you...

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An investment of 80 million euros has been announced to attract and consolidate scientific talent in Spain

An investment of 80 million euros has been announced to attract and consolidate scientific talent in Spain

The Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities held a meeting at the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid with six researchers who have benefited from the ATRAE and Research Consolidation calls. The Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant,...

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You can now present the required documentation to live in the Casa de Menorca in Barcelona

You can now present the required documentation to live in the Casa de Menorca in Barcelona

This call aims to provide housing for those students who have to study in Barcelona and cannot do so for financial reasons. The Executive Council of the Consell Insular de Menorca approved the rules and the call for applications to renew, for another year, the...

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The Mallorca Tourism Foundation consolidates its Advisory Board as a reference body for decision-making

The Mallorca Tourism Foundation consolidates its Advisory Board as a reference body for decision-making

The Conseller of Tourism of the Consell de Mallorca and president of the Fundació Mallorca Turisme (FMT), José Marcial Rodríguez Díaz, accompanied by the island's Director of Tourism for Demand and Hospitality, Susanna Sciacovelli and vice-president of the FMT,...

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IMAS presents at the plenary session of the Observatory of Childhood and Adolescence of Mallorca the main advances to guarantee the integrity and rights of the group in all areas

IMAS presents at the plenary session of the Observatory of Childhood and Adolescence of Mallorca the main advances to guarantee the integrity and rights of the group in all areas

The councillor Guillermo Sánchez, who is also the president of the Observatory of Childhood and Adolescence of Mallorca, has highlighted the elaboration of the first Residential Care Plan and the Consell's commitment to continue with the roadmap set by the Plan of...

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The Government and the Autonomous Communities make progress on a common framework for the digitisation of Justice

The Government and the Autonomous Communities make progress on a common framework for the digitisation of Justice

The Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with Parliament, Félix Bolaños, chairs the Sectoral Conference on the Administration of Justice in Zaragoza, the body for cooperation between the State and the Autonomous Communities with transferred powers in this...

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The Department of Economy and General Services increases aid to plant protection groups to 60,000 euros

The Department of Economy and General Services increases aid to plant protection groups to 60,000 euros

These are responsible for efficient and respectful pest control. The Executive Council of the Consell Insular de Menorca has approved the bases and the call for aid to plant defence groups (ADV) on the island for actions carried out from 1 December 2023 to 30 November...

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