imagen 2024 07 08 165639390
The Consell de Govern approves the grant to finance the Agenda 2030 Awards for Social Transformation

The Consell de Govern approves the grant to finance the Agenda 2030 Awards for Social Transformation

The prizes will be awarded, among others, to bachelor's degree final projects, master's degree final projects and doctoral theses. They will also be aimed at administrative and service staff and research teaching staff at the UIB. The Consell de Govern has approved...

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Housing and Tourism will bring forward compliance with the European regulation that collects data on tourist flats

Housing and Tourism will bring forward compliance with the European regulation that collects data on tourist flats

The Minister for Housing and the Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez, chaired the meeting of the Sectoral Conference on Housing and the Urban Agenda, where she discussed the impact of tourist flats on affordable residential housing with representatives of the autonomous...

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The Consell de Mallorca opens the term to apply for the aid destined to the citizen participation

The Consell de Mallorca opens the term to apply for the aid destined to the citizen participation

The insular institution has included the entities of voluntary work as addressees of the subsidy. The Consell de Mallorca earmarks 130,000 euros for projects related to citizen participation and volunteering. The insular institution will open on Friday, the term to...

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The Regional Ministry of Education implements the intermediate level of VET in Boat Maintenance at CIFP Can Marines from September

The Regional Ministry of Education implements the intermediate level of VET in Boat Maintenance at CIFP Can Marines from September

This new cycle responds to the demands of the need to incorporate studies linked to the nautical sector. Students will do their paid internships at the facilities of members of the Association of Industries and Nautical Services of Ibiza and Formentera The Department...

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More than a hundred industrial companies will benefit from IDI consultancy cheques, 28% more than the previous year

More than a hundred industrial companies will benefit from IDI consultancy cheques, 28% more than the previous year

The most requested lines are the development of digitalisation plans and the measurement of the corporate carbon footprint. A total of 105 industrial companies, 28% more than last year, will benefit this year from the consultancy cheques of the Institute for Business...

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The Consell de Mallorca asks for an external report to evaluate the restoration of the organ in Manacor that was inaugurated in 2022

The Consell de Mallorca asks for an external report to evaluate the restoration of the organ in Manacor that was inaugurated in 2022

Following complaints from private individuals, the island institution will study whether the actions carried out were correct. The Consell de Mallorca is requesting an external report to evaluate the restoration of the organ of the convent of San Vicenç Ferrer in...

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The Natural Environment Department has announced the start of the third edition of the campaign to raise awareness of sea turtle nesting in the Balearic Islands

The Natural Environment Department has announced the start of the third edition of the campaign to raise awareness of sea turtle nesting in the Balearic Islands

The councillor Joan Simonet stressed that the main objective is to inform the public about how to act in the event of finding a specimen of this species, a trace of it in the sand or hatchlings emerging from the nest. The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries...

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The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs allocates 1.1 million euros to programmes for people with disabilities, oncological and mental health diseases

The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs allocates 1.1 million euros to programmes for people with disabilities, oncological and mental health diseases

The entities must carry out projects between 2024 and 2026 aimed at people with disabilities, oncological, neurodegenerative, rare diseases, Alzheimer's and other dementias. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram...

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Students Julia Luis, Abril Barceló, Silvia Rigo and Miquel Riera win the Mallorca Youth Awards 2024

Students Julia Luis, Abril Barceló, Silvia Rigo and Miquel Riera win the Mallorca Youth Awards 2024

The awards that the Consell de Mallorca has launched to promote creativity in Catalan in schools have been a great success: more than 60 people from 11 schools have participated The Consell de Mallorca presented the Mallorca Youth Awards 2024 this Wednesday in the...

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‘A taste of the Balearics’: a quality gastronomic experience to travel to the Islands through the palate

‘A taste of the Balearics’: a quality gastronomic experience to travel to the Islands through the palate

Twenty agri-food companies from the Balearic Islands today showcased their products to UK food and drink distributors at an event organised in London by Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment together with Tourism, Culture and Sport. TDB keeps you...

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