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The Regional Minister for Education and Universities, Antoni Vera, explains the financial management of the Regional Ministry during 2023 at the Consell Escolar de les Illes Balears (School Council of the Balearic Islands)

The Regional Minister for Education and Universities, Antoni Vera, explains the financial management of the Regional Ministry during 2023 at the Consell Escolar de les Illes Balears (School Council of the Balearic Islands)

The Councillor for Education and Universities, Antoni Vera, appears at the plenary session of the Consell Escolar de les Illes Balears, the highest consultative body in the field of non-university education, to explain the budget closure of the Regional Ministry of...

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The ATIB opens the appointment request period for the Renta Ágil service to help you make your 2023 Personal Income Tax return

The ATIB opens the appointment request period for the Renta Ágil service to help you make your 2023 Personal Income Tax return

Until 28 June, applications can be made by telephone and online to arrange face-to-face interviews in 16 offices. In total, there will be 23 regional deductions to be applied in the personal income tax return (IRPF), 8 of them improved or newly created. TDB keeps...

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The Consell de Eivissa announces a call for applications for financial aid to promote associations and volunteer work

The Consell de Eivissa announces a call for applications for financial aid to promote associations and volunteer work

The amount of aid for this call for applications is 100,000 euros and the deadline for submitting applications is 6 June. The Department of Economic Promotion and Municipal Cooperation of the Consell Insular de Eivissa has announced the regulatory bases for financial...

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More than 2,700 pupils and almost 300 teachers have taken part in the ‘Serra de Tramuntana Learning and Service’ programme

More than 2,700 pupils and almost 300 teachers have taken part in the ‘Serra de Tramuntana Learning and Service’ programme

A hundred teachers from 17 schools celebrate the end-of-year conference of the programme run by the Consell de Mallorca and the Department of Education and Universities. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The ‘Serra de Tramuntana...

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Antoni Grau: “Marine reserves are an important management tool for recovering commercial fish stocks, conserving natural habitats and helping professional small-gear fishing”.

Antoni Grau: “Marine reserves are an important management tool for recovering commercial fish stocks, conserving natural habitats and helping professional small-gear fishing”.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment today commemorated the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Freus de Ibiza and Formentera Marine Reserve at a ceremony held at the headquarters of the Consell d'Eivissa. TDB keeps you informed....

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FOSIB presents the “Festival Bellver 2024” and a new series of #sonampertu concerts

FOSIB presents the “Festival Bellver 2024” and a new series of #sonampertu concerts

Between 14th June and 7th August, the Bellver Castle will host seven concerts with internationally renowned artists such as Valentina Nafornita, Pablo Ferrández, Leticia Moreno and Jonathan Cohen, among others. The FOSIB has also presented a new cycle of 11...

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Pau Gasol sponsors Monica Garcia’s candidacy for the World Health Organisation Executive in Geneva

Pau Gasol sponsors Monica Garcia’s candidacy for the World Health Organisation Executive in Geneva

The Minister of Health, Mónica García, has officially presented her candidacy to the Executive Board of the WHO-Europe in Geneva, on the day before the start of the World Health Assembly, the WHO's decision-making body. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us...

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Educació announces the Awards for Balearic Islands Baccalaureate Students with Excellent Academic Achievement

Educació announces the Awards for Balearic Islands Baccalaureate Students with Excellent Academic Achievement

The budget for these awards, which reward effort and special dedication to studies, is 36,000 € to be distributed among the winners. The Conselleria de Educació i Universitats announces the Awards for Baccalaureate Students with Excellent Academic Achievement, which...

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