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The Consell de Mallorca meets with the Federación Empresarial Balear de Transportes (FEBT) to study measures against road saturation

The Consell de Mallorca meets with the Federación Empresarial Balear de Transportes (FEBT) to study measures against road saturation

The Conseller de Territori, Mobilitat i Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, has explained that they are working intensively on the study of load and has reiterated that "courageous decisions will be taken". The FEBT has asked for action to be taken against the traffic...

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The jury of the new Mallorca Youth Awards of the Consell de Mallorca meets to decide the winners of this first edition

The jury of the new Mallorca Youth Awards of the Consell de Mallorca meets to decide the winners of this first edition

This new call for entries aims to promote creativity in Catalan and rondalles among the island's schoolchildren. More than 60 stories from 11 different schools have participated. The jury of the Consell de Mallorca's new Mallorca Youth Awards has already met to decide...

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The SAMU 061 of the Health Area of Ibiza and Formentera celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary

The SAMU 061 of the Health Area of Ibiza and Formentera celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary

In 1999 the first ambulances arrived on the Pitiusas islands: a basic life support ambulance and a mobile ICU. The SAMU 061 of the Area of Health of Ibiza and Formentera celebrates its 25th anniversary. The health care service for out-of-hospital emergencies and...

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Inca Town Council and the Pagesa de Inca Cooperative signed a collaboration agreement for the modernisation of their facilities

Inca Town Council and the Pagesa de Inca Cooperative signed a collaboration agreement for the modernisation of their facilities

The Inca Town Council reaffirms its commitment to the farming sector and local farmers with the approval of a direct subsidy to the Pagesa de Inca Cooperative. In this way, the town council of the capital of Raiguer has granted a subsidy of 40,000 euros to improve the...

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The Sectoral Conference on Democratic Memory will distribute three million euros to continue with exhumations in all territories

The Sectoral Conference on Democratic Memory will distribute three million euros to continue with exhumations in all territories

The Minister for Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, Ángel Víctor Torres, has announced that the Sectoral Conference on Democratic Memory will meet on 6 June ‘to distribute three million euros and continue with exhumations throughout Spain’. TDB keeps you...

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The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats announces grants for nursery schools

The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats announces grants for nursery schools

This year 494,880 euros will be allocated to the public network of nursery schools and 256,000 euros to the complementary network. The Conselleria de Educació i Universitats has published today in the Butlletí Oficial de les Illes Balears (Official Bulletin of the...

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The Consell de Eivissa announces a call for applications for cultural grants, with 150,000 euros earmarked for this purpose

The Consell de Eivissa announces a call for applications for cultural grants, with 150,000 euros earmarked for this purpose

The call for applications is open until 6 June 2024 and can be submitted through Consell's electronic office TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The Consell de Eivissa announces a call for applications for...

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Twenty agri-food companies from the Balearic Islands will present their quality products at the event “A Taste of the Balearics”

Twenty agri-food companies from the Balearic Islands will present their quality products at the event “A Taste of the Balearics”

Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment, together with Tourism, Culture and Sport, are organising a promotional event on Wednesday 29 May in London. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The Balearic...

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Inca will build 3 municipal paddle tennis courts with the Participatory Budgets

Inca will build 3 municipal paddle tennis courts with the Participatory Budgets

This project was the most voted for in the second Participatory Budget campaign, promoted by the Town Council to encourage citizen participation. The Inca Town Council has begun the tender for the works contract for the construction of three paddle tennis courts in...

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The Consell de Govern grants a direct subsidy of 40,000 euros in favour of the Fundación Teatro del Mar

The Consell de Govern grants a direct subsidy of 40,000 euros in favour of the Fundación Teatro del Mar

The grant will be used for activities derived from the integral programme of Performing Arts 2024. The Teatro del Mar carries out social actions, sea productions, research programmes and dissemination of educational programmes, among others. The Consell de Govern, at...

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