imagen 2024 07 08 165639390
The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment immobilises several food products from outside the Balearic Islands for being out of date

The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment immobilises several food products from outside the Balearic Islands for being out of date

This inspection is part of the regular controls carried out by the Directorate General for Agri-Food Quality and Local Produce. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The Regional Ministry of Agriculture,...

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The Coastal Prevention and Marine Cleaning Service started the 2024 campaign a month earlier than usual

The Coastal Prevention and Marine Cleaning Service started the 2024 campaign a month earlier than usual

22 vessels, including a hybrid, will be in charge of removing waste from the coasts of the Balearic archipelago. The Coastal Prevention and Maritime Cleaning Service kicked off the 2024 campaign on 1 May, a month earlier than usual, with the aim of maximising waste...

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The government ratifies the commitment to bring the deficit down to 3% of GDP this year and confirms the good economic forecasts for 2024 and 2025

The government ratifies the commitment to bring the deficit down to 3% of GDP this year and confirms the good economic forecasts for 2024 and 2025

The Government has sent the European Commission the updated macroeconomic and fiscal forecasts for the years 2024 and 2025, which confirm the good performance of the economy in these years and the commitment to bring the deficit down to 3% this year, thus complying...

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Balearic Islands purchase more than 8,000 doses of the vaccine that immunises children under 6 months of age against bronchiolitis

Balearic Islands purchase more than 8,000 doses of the vaccine that immunises children under 6 months of age against bronchiolitis

The Consell de Govern authorises the investment of 1,934,000 euros for the purchase of Nirsemivab TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Balearic Islands purchase more than 8,000 doses of the vaccine The RSV...

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IKI Health, was awarded at the EmprendeXXI Awards as the startup with the greatest potential in the Balearic Islands

IKI Health, was awarded at the EmprendeXXI Awards as the startup with the greatest potential in the Balearic Islands

Councillor Alejandro Sáenz de San Pedro presents the awards organised by CaixaBank and ENISA, with the collaboration of the IDI and the Bit Foundation. The company IKI Health has been recognised at the EmprendeXXI Awards as the most innovative technology-based company...

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The Consell de Mallorca modifies the Canal de Regatas de Alcúdia project to turn it into a national sporting reference point

The Consell de Mallorca modifies the Canal de Regatas de Alcúdia project to turn it into a national sporting reference point

Bestard and Rodríguez defend the Consell's commitment to all projects financed with European funds TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The Consell de Mallorca modifies the Canal de Regatas de Alcúdia project...

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The IEB, the Clúster de Cómic de Mallorca and four comic publishers will share a stand in Barcelona

The IEB, the Clúster de Cómic de Mallorca and four comic publishers will share a stand in Barcelona

Balearic comics will land at the Comic Fair from 3 to 5 May To promote and give visibility to the comic creation of the Balearic Islands, the Institute of Balearic Studies (IEB) participates this year with the Comic Cluster of Mallorca and the publishers Autsaider,...

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Artà, Inca and Ibiza will host the closing galas of the MAP Teatre project for the 2023-2024 academic year, in which more than 900 students have participated

Artà, Inca and Ibiza will host the closing galas of the MAP Teatre project for the 2023-2024 academic year, in which more than 900 students have participated

A total of 20 schools in Mallorca, Ibiza and Menorca have taken part in this cultural project. TDB keeps you informed. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The MAP Teatre project for the 2023-2024 academic year MAP Teatre is a project...

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The Consell Insular and Eivissa Town Council detect three possible tourist flats in a joint action

The Consell Insular and Eivissa Town Council detect three possible tourist flats in a joint action

Inspectors from the Office for the Fight against Intrusion and Eivissa Local Police officers inspected eight flats belonging to the same owner. The Eivissa Island Council's Office for the Fight against Intrusion and the new special Intrusion unit of the Eivissa Town...

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